Was wondering if anyone has pictures of the old jackrabbit ano vs the newer jackrabbit ano. Trying to identify.
Well, this is the Jack Rabbit ano on my Bonfire. Since I wasn’t even aware🤓 There were 2 different Jack Rabbits; I don’t know which this one is? But it’s one of them for sure>
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Well on the summit, it seems there’s. Jr that has a lighter pink splash and the clear wash almost comes off orangish pink. Same with the wooly. And then you have others that are straight black and silver with a darker pink. And everything in between. Wanted to know which was which and see how they look.
Anyone got jackrabbits out there? I know you do…
Hate when that happens yoyodoc
It’s not really an “older vs newer” thing. It varies (sometimes greatly) from run to run.
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