I sold all of my yoyos about a year ago, because I decided I was done…I was sick of it…NOW I’m sad, so I ordered a Rebellion Butcher last night.
What should I do while I wait? I’m like freaking out, I’m so excited to start my yoyo life again.
P.S. It’s also been a year since I’ve been on the forums and I’m back finally…I was formerly SheepFarm, now I’m YoyoFever
It’s good to be back! ;D
({RTD} alecto)
September 23, 2015, 11:55am
well you could go down to the local walmart and see if they have a duncan imperial…
(Paul Zorovich)
September 23, 2015, 3:50pm
Not a bad thought at all
Yeah, just don’t break it. Anything yoyo-related sold at Wal-mart tends to break easily. Toys R Us is better for some reason.
I got the same yoyo, once at Wal-Mart and once at Toys R Us. The one at Toys R Us lasted longer (both broke though).
(Erik Kerber )
September 23, 2015, 4:09pm
Yeah, just don’t break it. Anything yoyo-related sold at Wal-mart tends to break easily. Toys R Us is better for some reason.
I got the same yoyo, once at Wal-Mart and once at Toys R Us. The one at Toys R Us lasted longer (both broke though).
Wow great story so glad you shared that story with us. That is storism being racist against certain stores please stop.
1 Like
(Paul Zorovich)
September 23, 2015, 5:53pm
Is saying that YYE is superior to any other yoyo store, as you say, storist?
Just a quick question are there any tricks you remember you are able to do from muscle memory? Cause if not, the start with them fancy YYJ classics.
I only forgot 2 advanced tricks…My bro let me borrow his YYF G-Funk and I did all of my ticks pretty much. I was quite proud
(Erik Kerber )
September 23, 2015, 8:45pm
Yes even though it is true it is still wrong to say such a thing.
Anyways I think we derailed this thread enough.
Welcome back to the world of yoyoing
Welcome back! Enjoy it here! Who knows if you will ever leave! Wait wat?
Srsly tho, welcome!!!
Come on man, stop being storist. If the same yoyo of the same brand bought from two different store and for some reason one got broke, it’s pure luck. The yoyos are from the same factory with the same qc, the store have nothing to do with it.
Even though I’m racist when it comes to yoyos (yoist), I’m in the front row when it comes to store equality.