Offstring snags :(

I got my YYF flight 2 days ago so I am certainly a beginner, I can only do leg orbits, open string binds and such. A problem I have, usually after I do an open string bind, is that the end of the string will snag at the bottom so that it will come back when I try to toss it and smash my knuckles or my gut. Then I have to throw it down until it comes off and rewind if - BIG pain obviously. What am I doing wrong???

I’ve had this problem too

Yea it happens to me to its just one of those thing if the yoyo snags it snags that’s about all there is too.

That’s why I dont recommend flight.

Buy some new yyf blue spacers for flight they will help.

I’m not an awesome 4a player but I do play 4a sometimes so take this as a grain of salt.
I think it has something to do with how far you pull back the excess string. Basically if you leave the excess string too long it will be more likely to snag, just like when doing snap start, if the yoyo grabs the string near the tip of the string, it will bind smoothly, while if the yoyo grabs too far from the tip of the string leaving too much “excess” string winding up, it will most likely to snag.
There are two ways to fix this, either use shorter string or practice pulling the bind further away so that the excess string as short as possible.
I’d say improving yourself in this case is probably better than altering the setup, but it’s your call.

It’s never been a problem for me, but I think I might know your problem.

Try catching the yo-yo in the bind nearer to the bottom of the string. The less string that the yo-yo hits, the less likely that the yo-yo will have string to snag on. Also, you can usually tell when the yo-yo is snagged based on how quickly it climbs back up the string. If the yo-yo zips right back to your hand, you may have a snag on your hands. If the yo-yo comes back as fast as you would expect it to (I.E. if the yo-yo is spinning slowly, it comes up slowly; if it is spinning at a medium speed, then it should come up at a relatively medium pace. This kinda things takes time to get used to but you’ll get the hang of it), then you probably aren’t in a snag.