OD X CLYW Summit Hot/Fire/Lava colorway

I doo like that extra bit of yellow but I always leave the summit log facing up whenever its in my case

Thanks for the vote zoro a few more and I might have a chance at winning this

When you vote n the pole dont forget to leave a comment guys

Today is the big day get your votes in before its over dont forget to comment your votes aswell

Guys I see that your voting whch is good but pls post your votes in the comments aswell

The left. Really looks like fire burning

I know isnt it cool thats the main reason I bought this yoyo

Thanks for the vote tell your friends

your forgetting again PLS comment your votes aswell

I voted left.

Thanks for the vote

Right. I love big splashes.

Thanks Im still glad to have the votes even though the contest is over

I love the right because the red splash highlights the yellow versus the left side which is the opposite.

That’s Definatly what makes the right side look so cool I like both sides Equaly well but I always leave the left side face up in my case because thats the side with the summit logo on it 8)

I do the same thing with my Summits. No matter which side is best, I display on the side that says “Summit.” It’s like the only exception where I might display it on a side that isn’t necessarily the best.

Yea because showing it on the other side just doesn’t look Right Having the logo up just makes the most sense

I always display the opposite if I had one which I want one which I. will get one which I cant decide which one… XD

Yea All the colors are so cool It does make it really hard to choose which one


Right cuz it just pops more…more fun to look at

This one is really close

Only 2 votes apart

There only one vote apart now. It look’s like I have an all around good looking yoyo.