NY State yoyo contest 12/10

Not sure if anyone posted this yet but this sat at Coney Island is a yoyo contest! I can’t wait to go to my first live contest event!
Who’s coming?





Registration -


Saturday is the 10th

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Did not know this. A bit far for me being in western NY.

Enjoy it.

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Coney Island is a bit far and i live in long Island… honestly it’s far even if you live in BKLYN!


I’m gonna be in the city that day too but it’s not like I can pop in real quick. Coney Island is a HIKE


I’ll be there!

You ain’t kiddin. It’s about an hour and a half on the subway for me from Bushwick, gonna try to make it out though!

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It’s still better than me because I am on the Jersey side of the NYC.


If anyone is coming tomorrow feel free to find me ill have a few ZeroGravity and Motion_YoYo for people to try out… hope to see some of you there.

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You know, I didn’t even know there was gonna be a NY yoyo contest this year until a few minutes ago, when the livestream popped up on my Youtube homepage. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t have gone, because I am not in the Northeast region (I’m also in middle school) But one thing stood out to me. There was this book released a few months ago called Freestyle. The way I got it was at my middle school’s bookfare, where I picked up the new Wimpy Kid book, and saw said yoyo book right under it. I immediately bought the book, because I was very intrigued by the two figures yoyoing on the cover. Basically, this 8th grade kid discovers yoyo through his tutor, and is good at it (check out the book if you want.) The thing is this book takes place in NYC. But not only that, the NY yoyo contest in the book is on 12/3, exactly a week before the real one. For the cherry on top, the MC from the real contest looks exactly like the yoyo store owner from the book. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!


The Author and illustrator of that book worked with the NYYC to create a realistic yoyo scene… the MC in the book and the yoyo shop in the book are real. MC is Brian Medford (i met him yesterday in person and he’s an amazingly nice and wonderful person all around) worked with the author. The shop is run by a guy named William who runs SpinTime yoyos based in Brooklyn. They are credited in the back of the book. I bought that book as well at my daughters book fair.
Moving forward the NY State contest intended to be yearly in Dec at Coney Island as they where before the pandemic.

The event was amazing and seeing all those guys and girls throwing was the greatest yoyo related day I’ve ever had. If you get a chance to go to a live event please do yourself a favor and go!



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Did you take any photos? Would love to see some.

This event might have to become a tradition for me and mine. We love NYC for Christmas :christmas_tree:

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I had a blast over there! This was my first contest in over a decade. Saw so many old friends and it was cool to finally meet people I’ve only known through social media. Hope to come out to more NYYYC meets and contests in the Northeast.

Check out IG for NYYYC.

and the NY State IG.


My pics etc aren’t as cool… i took some video of crazy good players, but the video posted is also better.