Same here. I always just stop watching really long combos. They just get kind of… yeah, boring after a while.
But I do think for the purpose of battles, only one throw is what we should stick to. Having multiple throws for a battle just doesn’t seem right. Almost kind of seems like it takes out the purpose… But maybe that’s just me.
I disagree. Partly because I might have a 1-minute multiple throw battle of my own coming up…
But mainly because “length of combo” is just one factor of demonstrating skill, and a minor one in my opinion. I’d rather see a berzerk banger that starts with a throw and ends with a bind… 5 seconds long but MIND BLOWING than a minute-long “standard” combo. Add that into another 55 seconds of flow with one or two more throws, and I’m entertained!
I do definitely agree that that is way, way more entertaining. I would take what you described over a long combo any day of the week by far. I just think it wouldn’t be great for a battle personally. I definitely see where you’re coming from though. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe a more entertaining battle is better anyway.
Although certainly “most impressive one throw” is a valid and interesting battle format! If it was “up to a minute” instead of “videos are one minute”, then a thrower could theoretically have a fantastic one-throw combo that clocks in at 33 seconds and just have the confidence that it’ll beat out someone with a full minute.
Josh vs. Alex in the finall… Alex going in with a very nice 1 minutes combo… BOOM! josh does the most impressive slack laceration whip behind the head GT whip thing ever blindfolded, 3 second video… Josh wins 100-0 ;D
a) You’re very skilled and have a smooth, appealing style
b) You’re well known and have a good reputation on the forums
c) You have yet to go against most of the bigger threats (Josh, Alex, etc.)