Same here. I always just stop watching really long combos. They just get kind of… yeah, boring after a while.

But I do think for the purpose of battles, only one throw is what we should stick to. Having multiple throws for a battle just doesn’t seem right. Almost kind of seems like it takes out the purpose… But maybe that’s just me.

I disagree. Partly because I might have a 1-minute multiple throw battle of my own coming up… :wink:

But mainly because “length of combo” is just one factor of demonstrating skill, and a minor one in my opinion. I’d rather see a berzerk banger that starts with a throw and ends with a bind… 5 seconds long but MIND BLOWING than a minute-long “standard” combo. Add that into another 55 seconds of flow with one or two more throws, and I’m entertained!

I whole heartedly 2nd this!

I do definitely agree that that is way, way more entertaining. I would take what you described over a long combo any day of the week by far. I just think it wouldn’t be great for a battle personally. I definitely see where you’re coming from though. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe a more entertaining battle is better anyway. :wink:

Although certainly “most impressive one throw” is a valid and interesting battle format! If it was “up to a minute” instead of “videos are one minute”, then a thrower could theoretically have a fantastic one-throw combo that clocks in at 33 seconds and just have the confidence that it’ll beat out someone with a full minute. :wink:

Josh vs. Alex in the finall… Alex going in with a very nice 1 minutes combo… BOOM! josh does the most impressive slack laceration whip behind the head GT whip thing ever blindfolded, 3 second video… Josh wins 100-0 ;D

Double post my bad

I’m going to keep the format standard. It sounds like a lot less confusion and much easier on me.

So 30 seconds for every round now? Even semi’s and finals? Or is it bumping up to 1 minute for Semi’s and Finals?

so I’m not up against anyone this round? sick

Bumping up to 1 minute for semi’s and finals.

Keiran, I am your opponent. I just haven’t updated the bracket yet.

EDIT: Bracket is fixed

Im gonna go all out starting now.
Juliang is a Challenge.
Lets see if I can go against Alex or Keiran!

Probably me. Keiran is bringin’ the thunda, but Imma bring the lightning.

Either way Im going to lose xD

how am I still in this

Because you’re really good :stuck_out_tongue:

The ruthless josh yee wont allow him go any further though :smiley:

a) You’re very skilled and have a smooth, appealing style
b) You’re well known and have a good reputation on the forums
c) You have yet to go against most of the bigger threats (Josh, Alex, etc.)

Haha This Trick took so so long to film,
And Now I’m Editing.
Hopefully Y’all dig it :slight_smile:

Wow you really thought that through. I was just going to say because hes good at yoyoing.