My blue with gold splash gnarwhal does not have a gnarwhal etched on it. Is this correct for this color way. My Mint gnarwhal has it. Both came from this most recent restocking here at YYE. Just wondering which color ways do not have the gnarwhal?
I am thinking there’s been a general inconsistency with how CLYW marks their products. None of my CLYW throws has any real identifying marks on it outside of the Gnarwal that I have. The rest, it’s a mater of “I better know what is what” or I’m screwed.
Yeah, 3 of my five clyws are unengraved. I think that i like them alot better without engraving. It brings out the colors more. Except for the Gnarwhal that is, because how can a whale skewering a hot dog not be cool??
Generally the solid colors will have the engraving while the splash and speckles are left unengraved but that’s not always the case. I personally like the totally unbranded, unengraved look as well. It encourages the owner or prospective to be informed and attentive to the design to be able to identify it by that alone.
Well the last run, the only ones that didnt have engravings were the limited editions (gormley and rockabully), the clareview station, and that silver w. green and lime green splash.
CLYW doesnt really show a set pattern on which ones they engrave, and which ones they dont.
I like the unengraved options and especially on solids as opposed to splash or acid wash colorways. I’ve tried a few CLYW’s and I absolutely love some of their shapes, as I’m a huge fan of organic/butterfly shapes, but I refuse to own one until I can find one in a solid color that I like. Not trying to turn this into any kind of negative thread, I just really wish that some of these new yoyos or new runs of older yoyos would be available in a “simple” colorway. Not just CLYW, but many new designs I see are “all about the splash”
I recently had a discussion with Chris, of CLYW about this very subject. Some of the art I like …some not so much. I asked him why he chooses to put the art on some of his highly sought-after yoyos.
His reply:
“My goal with this project to is share the artwork of yoyoers and local artists on a return-top for people to enjoy. I believe in this project and will continue to share.”
I liked the Gnarwhal character. I do, however, still think the fetus was a bit sketchy. But who am I to judge art?
I like engravings if they add something to the yoyo, but don’t really care about branding.Although I can see how this can be a problem in the future for collectors.
The actual plural form of “canvas” is “canvases.” I’m not sure where this whole “canvai” thing came from – the -ai suffix is used for singular nouns ending in -us.