No Friends

I just move to a new state bro, I know how you feel. I am pretty lonely. I hope I make friends quick at new school. What I will do (I’ve moved before) is wait one week to really make friends. You want to know who everyone is and find your own kind of people.

wait. what?

nonononononononono! bad idea!

Almost forgot.

I’ll adopt you

Wait if your such a nice person and all then why are you having such a hard time making friends? Or are you just being selective on who you want your friends to be? Also if a kid bullied you a long time ago wouldn’t you have given them a second chance by now? If not your just limiting you resources even more.

  1. He could be quiet, shy, and doesn’t talk much.
  2. He could be mean, and others don’t like him.
  3. He could be a nice guy but people think he acts weird and unusual.

Outside of that, I don’t see why he’s not making friends… I’m guessing it’s #3, people think he is different and doesn’t relate to anyone that he knows of…

I have my little group of friends.

But after my Friend left for boot camp we all just stopped hanging out.

When he gets back We’ll all hang out more.

I have around 4 really amazing friends

And #3 is exactly it

Nobody wants to accept and be friends with the weirdo right?

weirdoes unite! Though I can’t relate to school life (I’m homeschooled), at church I was certainly different. Not so much as did wired things, I was just a little more mature. This singled me out of most non sensical actions. And sometimes made me the party pooper. But apparently I was looked up to much more than I thought.
And noonar, whether you find friends right away, or it takes a while. Don’t lose hope. There’s plenty of people somewhere that you can be friends with (and I’m talking in person. Forums wise I think you’re covered). And I hope your best friends return seems as swift as a humming bird.

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Jay the preacher says:
When your crew reassembles, the feelings of isolation will subside. Be patient.

For those who make presumptions as to why he may feel isolated…

There are a variety of reasons a good person can have trouble interacting with peer groups. Assuming a struggle with relationships is a result of being mean or unsociable is assumptive and, in itself, mean. People struggle to connect for any number of reasons. sometimes the issue is external.
It is not unknown for some populations of youth to socially select an outcast for purely arbitrary and superficial reasons in order to create a false sense of belonging in the alienation of a common ‘other’.
If the OP has been stigmatized as being the ‘odd man out’- there is little he can do to change that dynamic until the kids around him mature enough to appreciate uniqueness rather than ostracize it.
Personally, I struggled with being the outcast in my youth. I am weird. always have been.
My advice is simple -BE YOU! Anyone who doesn’t like you for you can go yo hell.

Today- I revel in my weirdness. It’s a badge of honor. At 37 I see so many fellow adults who have allowed themselves to fall into predictable plastic mold roles of expectancy, both professionally and socially. Frankly- they are boring.
It’s not always easy to find the fellow oddballs- but we are around. We find each other.
Just my 3 cents…

Not necessarily a good idea. The socially acceptable thing isn’t always the right thing.
Besides it is hard enough to find out who you are without trying to be someone your not.

We are you are friends?

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online freinds are nothing like real ones. But feel free to PM me whenever. Ur only like 1 year older than me i think.

It;s ok

My friend will be coming bak in 3 months

thanks everyone

Seriously tho, yoyos are all the friends you need.


No offense, but if you’re implying to conform to the world around you, I think that is terrible advice…
However. If you’re saying to relate to them, and maybe have a good impact on them, that’s a completely different story.


Hey man I know how it feels to not have many or even any friends.I can understand on what you mean or where your coming from about the people in your community are stupid.I had the same feeling but I got used to it.This might not be the best advise but I get my mp3 with ear buds and load a lot of music that you like it it and just go with that all day listening and even yoyo with it.Basically just do things that distract you or deattach you from society and problems and just go with it and eventually things get better.
It all depends on what you want or feel.
Do you want friends,do you want to figure out what to do without people.Are you mad,sad,happy,bored.
It all depends on what you feel.
As for me things have gotten better in the past 2 years.
I also really enjoy these forums and people here on yoyoexpert.
Just think about where you want to be or what you want and try to figure it out.
Hope this helps and I hope that things will get better for you. :slight_smile:

Always remember chip, used napkin, and penny will always be there in your time of need. But I go through this as well but spend time with my brother a lot even if he gets on my nerves and hates yoyoing. We still share common interests of runescape. But what’s weird is in school I would say I know a ton of people through theater, and made tons of friends but when I call them theyre always busy or working. Thats what I dislike, and setting up the guys night out most cancel which sucks even more. So I go through the same stuff and see your point of view and it isnt fun.

If no friends then make a tulpa