Nimbus by Dressel Designs! - Shinnosuke Ishizuka Signature YoYo!

Presenting the Nimbus by Dressel Designs – Shinnosuke Ishizuka’s signature yo-yo. Designed to evoke the sensation of “playing with a cloud,” Nimbus embodies Shinnosuke’s smooth, creative style and delivers a nostalgic yet modern play experience reminiscent of high-end yo-yos from 2009-2011. With bimetal rings and carefully distributed weight, Nimbus allows for quick, controlled changes in direction, perfect for Shinnosuke’s fast-paced combos.

Navy-Nimbus Navy-Nimbus-02 Navy-Nimbus-03

Each Nimbus includes four unique stickers for personal customization (though they may introduce a slight vibe when put on). This release also debuts Dressel Designs’ new “Cloud Blast” finish – a soft, lower-grit blast that complements Nimbus’s relaxed, airy play style, and will feature on future mainline models.


Yessss. This yoyo is so nutty good

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