New YYF Release! The Nate Dailey ND!

The ND Ultra has received nothing but praise for its performance. Nate Dailey has grown as a player and his profile is still rising as he accumulates more and more contest wins. To keep pace with Nate, YoYoFactory is taking his signature yo-yo to the next level with the ND!

The ND is a 6061 type aluminum version of the ND Ultra which puts this amazing yo-yo right in the most competitive price point to get it into the hands of throwers around the world. Weighing in just under 65g, this yo-yo has a really fast light and smooth feel on the string. The rounded edges keeps it comfortable in the hand and the wide set profile gives you an extra wide catch zone for those riskier maneuvers.

There’s no ‘I’ in ‘TEAM’ and for this first run of the ND there’s no I in Nate Dailey either! NATE has partnered with some of his teammates in Europe for player editions, Kacper Palatynski (POLAND Champ), Tony Seč of the Czech Republic and Bulgarias’ Konstantin Tudjarov all getting player editions in this first run!