I Just got my new Lyn Fury in the mail (in record time btw). It has a great feel, but it UNBELIEVABLY responsive. I'm having a really hard time even getting to the end of a trick before the throw loses its spin. Would someone be so kind as to either provide me a link within the site outlining how to clean a bearing, or explain how, or if there are other options to decrease responsiveness (other then a new bearing) that'd be awesome.
Thanks All!
That’s what I did when I got my Lyn Fury. As soon as I got home from BAC, I pulled out the o-rings, cleaned the bearing, and siliconed it. My bearing was however slowly breaking in when I was messing with it during the day.
Heck, you did the best thing you could for that bearing: Break it in, and then clean it out.
I want to get another Lyn Fury to keep stock, but with a clean bearing. One will be “completely stock” and the other one I currently have is cleaned and siliconed. Different colors: easy to track! Cheap, reliable, great stuff.
I just cleaned it out with compressed air, and ive been using RC Car Air Filter Oil for lube. Thats probably terrible, but its what i had sitting in front of me. :-[