New Years Yoyo Battle

No skill level. Just time of yoyoing. You have to be over 1 year. And if under 1 year, but over 8 months, you have to show him a video of your yoyoing, and he’ll decide from there. :wink:


I have a video shoot set up with Graeme Stellar in like 2 weeks, so I want to save my stuff for that

Should I use old stuff and lose?

Or should I use new stuff and stomp y’all into the dust?

the choice is hard…

Okay how long does it need to be?

WEll considering u could stomp us i think u should do old stuff to be nice :slight_smile:

How long have you been throwing? Also it can be as long as you want.

NEW RULES Sorry to everyone who entered under a year

dang :frowning: im out then

its ok, I know you’re afraid of my skills, I used to be scared of them too… :wink:

not that i just havent been yoying a year yet i have 3 days :frowning:

You have only three more days?

I’m in, But when and where do we put the video up?

this post new years

Would you really like to say that bug? You know I can always step up to the plate…

Shutup Jim, can’t I be a hypebeast for once? :wink:

And we both know I could take you!

(HypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeGraeme StellarHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeBoguslawjan MikaHypeHypeHypeHypeOnedropHypeHypeHypeHype"onto the next year, onto the next level"HypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHypeHype)

This is going to be my official Hypebeast thread :slight_smile:

Since when?

Since last month Mr. Airglow…

Oh yeah, but you switched the wording.

It was I could whoop your but-tooty.

I’ve never seen you do anything other than your tower, which I’ve figured out how to do, soo…

Bet you haven’t. Or it just looks sloppy.

Anyways, If you want to take on the challenge, be my guest.

Lets do this, Newyears, Feilds Corner Park noon…

See you there…