---New Video: The Mixtape #2--- Augie Fash in China:

pure insanity.

Awesomem, Augie. Love the view.


Does anyone else think this is probably the most processed food you’ve ever seen? And I thought hot dogs were bad.

Edit: Well, the tortilla-looking thing anyway…

for the most recent vid… STOP LOOKING INTO MY EYES!!!

seriously, how can you do such a technical and fast trick without even looking the whole time.

how many takes did that one take?

I think hes on webcam, Look. Pay close attention.

National Champion LiYuo Cheng at ShenYang Station.

New Video:
The Mixtape #2:
Filmed in Ulan Hot, China.

Please head to www.butterscotchgenius.blogspot.com for more swankity swank updates.

Nice Pink/Green Super Tornado Augie. :smiley: How are your Auldeys playing?

Was the loot free?!


More new updates than you can shake a stick at, at:


I’m also taking requests for a YuoLi Cheng/Augie collaboration video. Not sure if I’m going to do it yet though. We’ll have to see how much people want it.

Any requests for it?

Yes, a collab vid between you and him would be amazing. :slight_smile:

The dude with the evangelion shirt requests that you do this collab!