New video, new team members (pg 22)!! - Slithering Hippo

You know what they say, you are what you yoyo… I always thought I was a stealth ogre!

YOYOS YOYOS YOYOS I hate how that’s all any one talks about here!

i forgot how to spell yooyoso

[b]there once was a skilled yoyoer named yomorrow and he was also a dragonslayer but his days as the mighty dragonslayer ended when he was fighting the mighty hippo dragon but he of course slayed it however their souls merged leaving him part man part hippo part dragonslayer he then went to the summit of clyw mountain to train in a new style of dragonslaying called yoyo-o-ing he soon grew too powerful for his wooden loopers so he channeled his inner hippo and spent days trying to achieve a maximum performance yoyo but in the final hours a mighty serpent lashed itself onto the throw and bound with it yomorrow thought the yoyo had received evil intent from said serpent and was about to scrap it and decided to throw it once first he decided if anything it empowered the throw even more but he soon realized that one bearing was not enough to harness the beast so he took two and beefcaked it creating a throw worthy of gods but he decided instead to share it with the public now he is one of the most distinguishable and greatest yoyo maker in existance/b]

That is the longest run-on sentence ive ever seen :stuck_out_tongue:

hahaha screw grammar jk

once soon a time hippos had no legs. All hippos slithered along the ground like snakes. They lived in the forest eating…food. One day, the slithering hippos went to a lousy hill and slithered to the top. There they met Abraham Lincoln who said " Welcome to the great and lousy hill! I am going to show you the jiggly dance of joy! (Does jiggly dance of joy) and now, go speared the jiggly dance of joy to the orphans of the… Village." So the slithering hippos went to the village and n showed the orphans the jiggly dance of joy. THE END.

turtle bacon

I’d also like to know who the winner is. If it saves you the trouble, I felt mine were good and you can send the yoyo to me. :wink:

Guys, it’s only been two days, let the man rest and judge. We spammed him with Yo-yo false facts, so give him a bit to judge. Man, kids these days. Back in my day, we had off switches and patience. (Not really). But seriously, give Yomorrow a bit, k?

he said he would post the winner today


Not once was that said…Again, give him time. He never said when results would be posted. Give him some room.

he did indeed

Yes, I said I would announce the winner yesterday. Just being slow as usual. I’m working on it. Chillax.

ok thanks yomorrow there were alot of really good entries

That’s why we need Eddie Van Halen.

its wednesday you know what that means its i forgot someone remind me oh wait its turtle bacon day

I know that feel bro, no rush.

We’re the ones getting a free yoyo, not you, so take all the time you need.

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I don’t mean to apply pressure, but will this come to a finish?