New sale, old g2, tp, yoyofreaks and a duncan

Hey everyone have a few yoyos to sell. With new taxation limit I am only interested in friends and family and US shipping, price will reflect shipping. I have a feedback thread here if interested. Ty for looking!

Freehand Sakura- 45

Old school quint- 45

Project c v2- 85

Second run warthog- 295 - sold

Yoyofreaks freak and superfreak b grades- 110 for the pair, 60 each

Yoyofreaks freak and mono matched pair- 130 for the pair, 70 each

Yoyofreaks sharp - 60

Yyr Pom draupnir- 80

Tp counterjet - 115

Thank you for looking please feel free to ask any questions


How’s your GBB?:spider: