Yeah I love a red and yellow combo. Don’t think of it as McDonald’s but rather the flag of Spain or something

Wow. I bought a protostar about 2 weeks ago. Looks like I chose the wrong time to buy.

Not really. It still plays the same.

won’t grind tho :frowning:

Use another yoyo to grind.

 No not true this one was redesigned to grind its beadblasted

He’s talking about the old one.

I saw this when I went to bac this year. Yeah it was blue with a red center, and it came in a grey protostar box. I saw only one at the yye table, and about 3 or 4 at the yyf table. Very nice looking in the sun, but I’m totally buying the blasted ones for grinding instead. I’m a little happy I held bak on the rally :slight_smile:

lol this is a yoyobillybobsrewindstore edition.