New Hampshire yoyo contest April 20, 2013

Alright looks like I will be coming! Those prototypes look AWESOME soviet, can’t wait to see them.

Haven’t been keeping up with the thread this month. What time is this today?

1pm!!! Hope to see you there!!

Yup, I’ll be there !


I hope I do well haha… My bro’s mp3 player is weird but I guess we’ll just test it before I do my freestyle. :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad I’m not competing so I actually have time to chill with people.

Oh, I’ll chill, It’s only a one minute freestyle. :wink:


It’s gonna be awesome though!

I just dislike practicing freestyles and having to pay attention to the schedule, hehe.

So what does this building I’m heading for look like? On streetview I see a brick building with tan quoins and castellated roof that looks like it’s probably it.

Yeah I can’t wait to go either, ill definatly be there today.

Hmm, Adam generally puts up a sign on a parking sign haha. :P’

Is there even a schedule? I don’t even know when the freestyles are taking place haha. :stuck_out_tongue:

Too fun.

Yep. I wanna see that double-kendama catch.

Oh my goodness yes that was soo amazing.

Had alot of fun. First contest ive ever been in. Was great to meet everyone and thanks Adam for all the hard work! aswell as everyone else.

Can anyone tell me the Youtube Chanel the freestyles will be uploaded too?

I believe they will be upload here:

They’re not up yet, I’m not sure when they will be. I’m really excited to see my freestyle on camera, I got 4th! :smiley:

Had an amazing day. Thanks to everyone who came and competed. You guys put on an awesome show!!!

Bummed I couldn’t make it, but looking forward to checking out the vids. :slight_smile:

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Wish you could have been there too. We had 25 freestyles. Some amazing stuff for sure.