New FPYY yoyo!

On Saturday (feb 13’th) FPYY is going to be coming out with their new yo-yo!
This thing looks very awesome, its called “Katz Meow”.
It is the last yo-yo on this page:
It looks very beast.
If anyone remembers this is the throw used in Zach Smith’s Late night video!
I am definitely buying one. Check it out!

They might Send me one to review. Like Zack said it is the Ducks Nutz.

Yeah he did lol, Didnt know if he would of minded me saying stuff for him or what ever, but yeah.
Specs: 1.99 D, 1.64 wide, .140 or .180 gap, and a nice 67 grams. The gap differs because it ships with BOTH Size C and D bearing. Pretty nice. I asked FPYY and its only going to be 60$

The Foxtail and Cyber-yo are HUGE…

Yeah there were, which is why im stoked for this one! Smaller, and wider!