So I occasionally see sellers, stating in the description that the yo-yo has never been unscrewed. Does this really matter? Some will argue that these yo-yos are high end performance machines, tuned meticulously to perform at their highest level and unscrewing the yo-yo even once will cause the it to vibe or perform poorly but from years of playing and collecting, I have never found this to be the case. So do you care? And if so, why?
Unscrewed! Just throw it away…
I think unscrewed = keep the bearing seat brand new which sometimes bearing seat wear out cause vibe I think.
But to my experience I don’t care much about it because some yoyos I receive brand new also has some vibes to it and some second hand I bought are smooth even though bearing seat is a little worn out.
Unscrewed yo-yos are just worse, this is a known fact. Simply throw away your yo-yo if your bearing is going out or if your pads are dead.
Don’t refill your gas tank, just get a new vehicle
First thing I do when I get a new yoyo is throw the box away and crank open the yoyo. I also never intend to sell any of them….
I know a guy who’s a great long-time thrower and has a decent collection. He’s adamant about not unscrewing his yoyos. When I bought something from him, I immediately unscrewed it and his expression was like “whelp, you just ruined it.” I can’t really feel the difference between a perfectly tuned yoyo and one that’s got minimal vibe, just like I can’t really feel the difference between a lot of yoyos that people consider very different. I assume that unscrewing affects a yoyo in a way only some people can detect (and not everyone who can detect it would necessarily care).
I also read in another topic that YYR in the early days recommended not to unscrew so it could come from there.
I believe that’s what started this idea. The web store description actually warned against unscrewing them.
I think this originated with 44Recreation/YoYoRecreation, IIRC they used to have language in their descriptions discouraging unscrewing the yo-yo if possible because otherwise you were going to have to tune it to get rid of the vibe when screwing it back together.
ETA: ha, double jinx
About as relevant as when said, “mint in box”, yet they take a photo of it out of the box.
If they weren’t meant to be disassembled, there wouldn’t be such a thing as bearing maintenence.
It simply means that if they played it, then you are going to need to replace the pads and clean the bearing soon. Otherwise it means it didn’t get much play.
Edit: Laughs in Side Effects
If anyone has any unscrewed or otherwise ruined yoyo’s please feel free to pm me. I can give you my address so I can dispose of them properly.
I do not. I will screw and unscrew with frivolous abandon and laugh manically while I do so. Who’s gonna stop me???
Seriously, I don’t know how anyone can not unscrew a yoyo. That’s weird.
Doing gods work
Mad man
= (equals)
Forever Tighten
I have started a yo-yo land fill and smelting crucible business to help those that have ruined please send ruined throws. To be recycled into something new.
Haha no but really keep them they are fine.
The first thing I do with a yoyo is maintenance on the bearing. Not sure how people get away with never taking apart a yoyo because the bearings need to be maintained. Don’t you need to lube a yoyo before using?
Do you have to lube? No. Should you lube? Probably. Will the yoyo start getting responsive over time if never unscrewed. 100% unless it’s never used…