Need your advise!

Hey folks!
Long story short, I tried to stick YYF pads (red) into my TP Palpitation ES. And those seem to be a bit thicker that the original TP K-pads.
It’s approximately 0.5 mm thicker but this makes yoyo responsive in certain situations and I don’t like it because I don’t won’t to hurt myself xDD
So my question is: do you know how can I fix this? Should I try white YYF pads or the result is gonna be the same?
P.s I’m from Europe and I don’t really want to spend 30$ on shipping+fees (+1 month waiting) to get a pair of pads.
Thanks in advance, you’re all appreciated🖤

This is how it looks with original K-pads


Time for some flowable silicone! Ditch the pad life, you’ll be happier you did.


Ok. Is it really that much better!?!?!


I used to do if for a very long period of time. It gives same feeling but wears out 50 times faster.

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I mean it’s not like a night and day difference but you can get the response feeling exactly how you want it. And it’s perfect for situations like these where pads don’t quite fit or don’t want to wait for the correct pads. Can usually be found on amazon or a hardware store very easily.

That uh… shouldn’t be happening lol

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If you don’t wanna buy yyr sized HKMT pads, silicone is your only real modern option. The non-flowable types will last longer if all you’ve used was flowable.

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another for flowable. i like clear but there’s a large contingent that prefer red (or grey even). there’s also monkey snot. the red is alleged to be harder to apply - i never tried, but @d4nnyb0yy hade made a vid with some good tips.


YYf slim white pads work great for modern TP. Make sure you get the slim pads that they offer (should be .9mm thickness and perfect for this).


Hollywood modern formerly mouse pads work great and are cheap bulk. Flowable would be your other option.

Get it modded for a deeper recess to accept regular pads :+1:

YYF white pads fit just perfect!
I was born in small Siberian city in Russia. And when I started yo-yoing 15 years ago there was absolutely no chance to get pads anywhere. And for the first 5 years of my journey I was using only available at the moment low quality flowable silicone. I had to change pads once a month or even more often. So I’ve had enough struggle with this… now I just want to unpack brand new pads and continue practicing 30 second after.
Huge thanks to @yoyojoe for the solution🖤


Just shave it down with a razor blade.

There is huge probability of damaging the surface in gap zone. Even one small scratch in this exact area can ruin the yoyo forever. The string is gonna be cut after n-number of throws. And the worst part is that you never know when this gonna happen. But for sure this will happen after you throw it slightly harder then usual xD

I’ve done it successfully several times without damage.

Flowable sili to the rescue!!!