need someone to CAD this

hi guys i drew this up and thought it was a good looking yo, but i need to get a C sized bearing seat on it and also a 3 D render of it to show a machinist please PM me if you can help.

Ps the software i used is QCAD

I can CAD this, but I can tell you right now it would be an unstable tank.

the lack of rim weight just made me scream.

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You speaking from experience? I don’t know of a single yo-yo that you have produced. Just saying…

Seems like an interesting idea, no throw NEEDS rim weight, this looks like it will have a fair amount of center weight, why is everyone jumping on this guy?

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If you would like I can CAD this and give you the file for a machinist and I am experienced in AutoDESK so yoyos are cake to me. I would do an exact copy of your drawing and then do slight modifications to keep everything at a more practical thickness and to match your desired weight. Hit me up with a PM if interested.

I have yoyos that have a decent amount of rim weight, but are still unstable on some tricks, no matter how I execute them. My Marmot is stable to a fair degree, but on some tricks, it just seems to tilt, even if it was a perfect throw. Marmots have a fair amount of rim weight compared to this, granted the precess on my Marmot is higher than my G5 or my ENEME.

My statement stands. Unstable doesn’t have to mean ridiculously unstable. It just seems like it would tilt. Weight, on the other hand, I can tell this will weight alot.

Perhaps my post makes it sound like I’m being a know-it-all, which in a way I was, but in a very subtle way, I was trying to tell him it needs revisions.

The sharp angles into the gap and the angles the rim creates are interesting… But maybe an IRG? Then you can thumb grind AND add weight to the outside… not that I know anything about yoyo making. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice design! I like it! I just started last night making designs for yoyos but I don’t think mine is as good as this. :slight_smile:

There are no laws to what parts of yoyos make the yoyo do what. But then again I havn’t taken a course on gyroscopic properties. I highly doubt you have too. So basically, you will never know FOR SURE until it’s tried, so just give him a break, it’s an interesting design.

What I mean is I will do this, but either way, it will weigh more than any yoyo IMO, depending on the diameter.

I could always be wrong on stability. However, all of my yoyos that don’t have a somewhat fair amount of rim weight aren’t as stable by far.

But not all yoyos with a lot of rim weight are stable. I honestly feel its a ratio of all around weight.

I know we can talk ratios and stabilty all day, the rim weight is not lacking here- IT’S NONEXISTENT.
I think the shape, with some tweaking, could be interesting, but that much center weight can’t be excused.

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I think this will be the last time I reply here. I could be wrong, but I am fairly sure that rim weight is designed for longer spinning, that is why so many companies are advertising extreme rim weight meaning long spin times. As for center based weight, I believe that considering how centered the majority of the mass is, that it would be much more stable, is we are assuming that in this instance stable = less possible vibe or wobble. With these two possibilities depending on how the weight is placed and balanced between rim and center will give different characteristics to a yoyo. With that said, I am not saying in any way that I am right and you are wrong, I am simply putting something out there. Anyone can make assumptions, hypotheses, if you will, but that doesn’t make them right, so rather than argue the facts (that none of us truly and completely know) can we get back to the topic at hand, which let me remind us all, is aiding a member with a CAD and 3D modeling of the design which was layed in front of us. OP, to better aid you, I would suggest perhaps posting at least one additional angle, while yours does show all that is required to make a CAD/3D Model, it is helpful to be able to best understand an object with 2 views. Measurements would also be helpful as it would help making a proper to scale model. Again, with all of that said, I am outtie like a belly button.

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Dude you would think so but I was informed in a giant like… Misunderstanding/flame war that stability is it’s resistance to tilt.

Exactly. Lack of rim weight has a very loose term.

But, I find the more rim weight, the more stable IMO. It seems that way through all of my yoyos.

some basic stuff about circular motion in physics:

something with a smaller diameter (or weight towards the center) will spin faster, but it will have less resistance to slow down.

something with a larger diameter (or more rim weight) will have a slower spin, but will take longer to spin out.

also, in a gyroscope, something with more rimweight will lead to more resistance to tilting. something with little rim weight will be easier to tilt.

that being said, i think that this design could work with a few tweaks. imagine that the thin rims were not there. would you consider playing that yoyo? well the added rims will only help.

the yoyo as it is will tilt a lot and probably will be better suited for looping, but some tweeks can make it work

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Pretty much. lol. I was just proving a point.

Would be toast if you dropped it!

Reading the OP’s original request, I see something quite interesting.

“Hey, can you CAD this?”


“Hey, does this design look like it will work?”

He wants it done in CAD, if you aren’t willing to do that, or point to someone who is, don’t post. It doesn’t matter if the design is fool proof or not, it matters that he wants it done. You have no stake in whether it works or not, so why care? He wants it done in CAD, and so far, we have three pages of posts with no result.


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Fixed :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: