Need Some Help

Can someone help me break down what is happening in this tutorial? I’m having trouble seeing where the slack goes after the hop and how you grab the throw hand string. Thanks.

@GTDropKnot can you help?


Yeah so you’re basically like twisting and then spreading out the trapeze loop. Then you hop and reach through the string you just spread out to pluck the string segment closest to your Yoyo finger. Let the string that was on nth fall off as you pluck and that will form the dgt. Sorry I just woke up a bit ago and don’t have the vocab to describe it exactly bc it’s kinda funky but bc you’re reaching though to grab the string, it feels like dropping a segment off your wrist kind of, even though it was never really set up like that. You can kinda see it in the slow mo. It’s like you’re pulling through to make a red triangle but bc of the twist and hop, it makes a dgt. Let me know if you can’t get it after a bit and I can try to record some more angles. Helps to just commit to the full trick right away instead of trying to slowly piece together the parts bc you gotta do the pluck while the Yoyo is airborne and above the hands for it to work right.


Thank you my friend!! Perfect angle I needed to see. Now to try it.

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Thank you friend!! Getting it a little more consistent.


LETS GOOOOOOO hah nice work!

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