Need help with rewind

HELP! I need help with the trick rewind. I cant understand the 3rd hit! Please help

what don’t you understand about it? are you having problems hitting the string or do you not understand how to get to the double-or-nothing?

on the 2nd hit ur on trapeze and bro. For the third you swing back as if ur going back to trapeze but u cont around to double or nothing.

yup. and if you have problems hitting the string or if you accidentally hit both, have the string closest to you in the very back of your finger and have the farther string on the very tip. this should keep the strings far apart so you can get into double-or-nothing really easy

rewind is probably my favorite easy trick… I throw at least the first half of it in every combo

same here

Rewind took me for frickin every to learn, now it is second nature— you’ll get there.  This is the tutorial that helped me the most.

I think it’s because the way Andre shows you.
The third hit you go from a Trapeze and Bro to a Double or Nothing.
Andre shows you to pinch the string while you’re in Trapeze and Bro and go to a “mutated” Double or Nothing.

Thanks guys i finally got the trick