Hi everyone, it a snowy day today so decided to do some yo-yo maintenance, and in preparation for 2aApril, need to set up some loopers. I am quite new to 2A, I can loop consistently and do around the worlds with right (dominant) hand. I am using the Throwbacks Match 2A pack that came with 2 Matches and some string. The string that it came with is 5050, which is really uncomfortable and I feel is too thick for the gap. I can’t change out the spacers unless I get a new bearing (the current one is a size B bearing), so my only option to modify would be to change the string. What sort of string would you recommend for this yo-yo, specifically for a beginner? Thanks!
Uhh idk I’ve been using either the thinnest tightest version of p44 poly or Sochi looping string.
I plop a bit of brain lube in the bearing and go to work.
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Sochi is out of stock, so is p44. Any idea how often they restock?
No idea on restock. Kitty thin or normal is pretty common for looping string cause it’s bulk and you gotta swap string a good bit anyway with looping.
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I use kitty for 1a and love it so will probably try that thanks!
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