If you have a yo hanging from your body, or the distinctive faded circle in your clothing from carrying that favorite yo, you have fashion sense enough to survive any world! ;D
Wait do you people really shop for girls clothes? High school sure has changed…
My philosophy - don’t care what other people think of you. Especially not for what you wear. If someone is shallow enough to judge me based on my looks, then why should I care about their opinion?
But for the sake of the thread, I suggest some shoes, pants, and a shirt.
I would like to point out that I am almost 30, we did that in school in the 90s, and teens will be teens.
So, in a few years things wont change, just your attitude and point of view.
I will say, toms shoes look like slippers. Out here they retail for 100+ dollars, they are ugly, look cheap and uncomfortable. No sole, no support. I know its cool, but I quickly realised during my youth that comfort over looks is the way to go.
The best fashion accessory is your attitude, if you like what you wear and feel good doing so, it’s nobody else’s buisness. Keep your head high and dont let anything as trivial as shoes bring you down. I know it’s hard at 13, but believe me, you will be there in 10 years, your friends might not, and the shoes will be long gone.
Wait you guys need a girls size for jeans?!?.. Great soon enough my brother will borrow my jeans noooo! As if my sister taking my clothes isn’t enough!