National yoyo masters

When do they select (and who selects) national yoyo masters? Is it annual or more random than that? And who do you think should make the cut in the next selection?

My answer is easy. Ed Haponik. Contest presence, innovation, online presence both text and video. I can’t think of someone that better represents the yoyo community as a whole.

Who would you put on the list?


I second @edhaponik, and I’d ad @DocPop.


Man… my sincere thanks. I know all the masters and some I’m lucky to call close friends. I KNOW how much of themselves they’ve each poured into yoyoing, and to be cited alongside them is humbling. That award is about delivering a positive influence through and for the art, making the scene fuller and better, within and without. I really appreciate it, but I’ve got a long way to go yet. :pray:t3:


I’d nominate Andre’ for that award “National Yoyo Master”! Unless he’s all ready be named?


He is a National yoyo master.

From yoyo

National YoYo Masters

Grand Masters:

Bill deBoisblanc

Dennis McBride

Dale Oliver

Dale Myberg


Andre Boulay

Dave Schulte

Steve Brown

Hironori Mii

Takahiko Hasegawa

Jennifer Baybrook

Rick Wyatt

Rafael Matsunaga

Nathan Crissey

John Steel/Johnnie Delvalle

Thad Winzenz

BLACK – Tomonari Ishiguro


I’ve only met four of them at Nats. Sigh.


I have personally seen a few people literally throw mini tantrums when they ‘didn’t get voted in as a National Master.

…Here’s the thing> Getting the ‘Nod’ as a National Master is not something ‘you win’.

The National Master Status is something Awarded. (Ed, I understand that ‘you’ already know this). My explanation is just to just put things in the proper alignment for others reading this thread that may not know exactly how a person achieves that level of recognition.

You, obviously have a very clear view of this.

But, that being said, your humble nature keeps you from the realization that, to me, the cumulative sum of your yoyo related endeavors, makes you a very justified candidate to receive such an ‘Award’.

Because everything you have done over the years, was not at all done in an effort to ‘win’ anything.

You just do what you do because of your selfless mission to share, educate and keep the flow of Yo going.

When you do eventually get the National Master Title. I won’t be surprised at all.

Personally, I love surprises… But some things just aren’t surprising at all.

They are just things a lot of us know are going to happen…

You are one Badd man… Ed.


Personally, I can say without a doubt that there is no one who has brought me more yoyo influence and inspiration than you. You exemplify the “art” of yoyo with a style that is completely unique and have definitely made the scene fuller and better.

This is something only a yoyo master would say.

We are grateful for your example to grow within and help without through yoyo!

Thank you Ed!


Thanks again so very much. Obviously nobody picks up a yo-yo when they’re a kid hoping they’ll receive some accolade when they’re a grown up. And nobody keeps trying new tricks through the intervening years because of what they might “get”. Yo-yoing is just so fun, there’s so much to learn, and the people you get to know are incredible. Having your name mentioned like this is surreal, but it’s not for me to really even think about. The journey’s always been the destination, and I’m just gonna keep throwing. It’s cheesy but THAT’S the reward.

In addition to @DocPop I’d nominate @Mr_Yodel John Higby, whom I’ve considered a master for a long time.


The National Yo-Yo Museum awards the title and it’s not given on any specific schedule. Hans would be the next one on my list personally.


thank you Vegabomb!

Oh man…you are correct and how’d i forget Johnny?