National yoyo day is June 6th! Any plans?

There’s a 15% off anything at the YYE store and 20% off anything at the ■■■■■■■■■■■ store

It wasn’t a plan but I ended up spending WAY too much on yoyos today…

Happy Yoyo Day! :smiley:

Hopefully my WBD Onestar will show up in the post today after work! Unfortunately , my time to throw may be limited, working until about 4pm , my 5 year old daughter’s first T-ball game is tonight at 5:30pm , my 13 year old made drill team ( yay! ) and her first practice is from 7:30 to 9:00 and my 11 year old son has a baseball game starting at 8:00 pm …

ahhh…to be a parent.


Happy Throwing !

I realized I need to budget my gas for next couple of weeks (Get together thing planned in Sac on the 15th), so I wasn’t able to make it out. Will definitely try to attend a YoLex meeting sometime soon though.

Not that I did it this year, but I would love to just go out somewhere and throw.

Hopefully my actions would attract some people and I could give away some starter throws. A true way to celebrate what is so close to me and probably just about the rest of you. :slight_smile:

I went to Learning Express in Roseville. In the morning though. Not when everybody was there haha. I went there for a different reason and then after I was there, I checked my phone and people were talking about them having a meet up at 5pm. Too bad I couldn’t stay.

I took in a sampling of yoyos to work and put out a company-wide email with a video of Ann Connolly and told everyone that the yoyos were on my desk. Got a couple of takers to try one out, and a few more asking questions.

I couldn’t go.

My plans got changed when I had some sort of food illness that’s still passing through me. I think I’m over it.

I got up. Walked the kids to school while working on 2A stuff. At the school, did 1A and showed some 4A. Walking back, did 2A again.

Took a different kid to preschool. Again, did 2A from the parking lot to the doors, then a bit of 1A, then back to 2A walking back to the car.

To get the other kids from school(my wife gets the pre-schooler back from pre-school), again, back to 2A on the walk, but since things went fast, I never switched to a 1A yoyo.

When not dealing with kid stuff, I was working on a video project so I can get some proofs done and then work on the lighting design.

Unfortunately, the digestive system decided to stage a protest, so I felt it wasn’t safe to hit Learning Express later on. That and some other stuff happened that changed my priorities for the early evening.

Other than that last issue, it was a good day. I did do some purchases at 4 yoyo retailers. Gotta go where the deals are(or where the items are). When I get it, I’m gonna share it at meets or at my house.

I didn’t know that some kids still had to attend school. I expected summer was summer for every kid haha. No wonder I saw a couple kids with backpacks riding bikes. Maybe we’ll see each-other sometime when you walk your children!

The kid’s school is year-round, and they get out towards the end of the month. I’m usually on inline skates, but the past week(and tomorrow) I’ve been walking. I almost always have my YYE medium bag(5 pocket)on me, a DM2 hanging off me and will often have a yoyo in my hand, unless I’m doing 2A, in which case it’s both hands. Usually wearing one of my Studio42 hats and usually wearing shorts.

Feel free to stop me and introduce yourself. I’ll be heading down Damascus from the school towards Bruceville between 9 and 9:10 on my way home. I usually take the park path, but this week I’ve been using the sidewalk. I think I will take the park path tomorrow though.

I checked the map wrong haha. I thought you lived on Power Inn Road. Maybe I’ll try Bruceville when I build up more endurance.