National yoyo day is June 6th! Any plans?

So many people are doing awesome things for it…

Eh. Maybe I’ll be able to buy something small. That would be fine by me. ;D

To buy or not to buy isn’t the question or even a concern.

Enjoy the day, the yoyo way, on National YoYo Day.

So Yolex is doing something tomorrow? I’m about~45 minutes away and wouldn’t mind going up to Roseville if they’re doing something special.

Going to go to Target and throw. Maybe some people will know its yoyo day and come talk to me, might even meet another thrower ;D but that’s about it :stuck_out_tongue:

Well of course. I wouldn’t dream of doing less. :smiley:

What’s all this talk about Yo-yo day Sale here at YYE?

Is there usually one? What sale was it?

It’s the outdoor location on Douglas Blvd. 5PM to 7PM.
See you there.

I live about 30-35 minutes away in Elk Grove, so I’m driving north.

I can’t speak past when I got on here. I started in May of 2011, and on June 6, 2011 there was a sale. In 2012, there was a sale.

I am hoping in 2013 there will be a sale.

Aww yeah! I’ll see you there!

If there is a sale I would be so happy.

Really? I just looked up where you live and I JOG to your neighborhood every morning.

I am going to (hopefully) finish the intermediate section of tricks on this site. I’m also going to buy a fiesta xx on this site so i can learn offstring. ( idk if there will be a sale, but i don’t really care because it’s only like 30$ with shipping)

I’m gunna yoyo all day

Ill fit a tad bit of yoyoing in. I graduate high school tomorrow and I have a dumb graduation rehearsal in the morning and then graduation ceremony starts at 6:15. My day tomorrow will probably suck. Ill have to celebrate National Yoyo Day tomorrow.

If you want to meet up sometime, let me know. I throw at my kid’s school every morning and afternoon. Another forum user is nearby and I have a meet group I run via Facebook:

story of most of everyone here.

Check the YYE Facebook page :smiley:

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Now to get my calculator and STRATEGIZE

Just picked up a Summit, Majesty, and a Triton thanks to this awesome sale! Have a happy Yo-day folks!