Hello all. I recently bought a Duncan Pro z to get into throwing. When i put it to sleep, I have a hard time getting it back to my hand. sometimes a simple tug will do it while others it will take me a couple tries or won’t come back at all. Can someone help me?
You will need to buy responsive lube to put in the bearing. It is sold right here on Yoyoexpert
These are two options:
Choose the Thick Lube Option:
Choose the Looping Lube Option:
Actually, any light oil such as 3-in-1 or fishing rod oil will work just fine. Or pick this up at the hardware store…
This is what Yomega sells under their brand as Brain Lube.
definitely lube like the others said, but also a fresh string can help quite a bit as well.
Indeed, you can pick up Brain Lube cheap on eBay still! I use that on all my bearing responsives.
It has to be looked on three things yoyo pads,yo-yo lube for responsive play, and string tension,if more string tension the yoyo comes to hand easily or else it does not come to hand if there is less string tension. And the yoyo should be spinning to come back to hand.
I had to double loop the string along with lubing the bearing in my Pro Z to get it to become tug responsive, and it is still finicky with not wanting to return sometimes. Im not sure if this is a problem with the starburst response or not, but I have yet to be able to properly tune this yoyo in responsive mode. YMMV of course, but in my case I may need to modify the response in some way, but im not sure how I would go about it (or why I would bother, I hate this yoyo in responsive mode). I have two of them and both have the same issue, so I set the other one up unresponsive.
I’m sorry but I will never ask someone for “Super Lube” Lmao, no one will ever believe me if I said I’m putting it in a yoyo. Lol
But it’s a stock item at most hardware stores, not the drug store.