My new Edge FS 2.0 has become responsive in a week (PROBLEM SOLVED) (THANK YOU GUYS)

Hey! I’m kinda new to this… I need some help/advice. I recently got Evan Nagao’s Edge FS 2.0. For the first few days, it was unresponsive.
Then, out of nowhere it starts to become responsive. I just tug it once and it comes back up.
Does anyone else have this problem? It’s annoying and I’m trying to improve.

(No dirt has come into the bearing either and I don’t own lube yet)

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Time for some bearing cleaning.
Every time that has happened, it was dirt in the bearing.
It you don’t want to delve into bearing shield removal, try soaking in rubbing alcohol. Then let it dry on paper towel.
If you don’t mind taking the shields off, a can of electronic duster works well to blow any dirt out.

Hi, check how long the bearing spins for when you flick it. If it’s less than 5 seconds, it probably just needs a good cleaning.

Lube tends to make bearings more responsive, so I would avoid that and just run it dry after cleaning if it works for you.

Unfortunately, bearings are just like that sometimes. Maintenance can be part of the fun of yoyoing, though!

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Your yoyo is simply hearing the irresistable call of modern responsive.

‘…Join us…’ , it whispers in the night.


Alright. Can dirt get into the bearing even if I never got dirt into in the first place though?

:skull: Best literature of the month.

Ok thanks, what do you mean by ‘clean it’ without lube? Are you talking about the liquids that clean rust and such?
And I disagree-maintenance is one hell of a job lol

Here’s a vid that could be helpful

Kinda cringe but helpful

Here’s another on cleaning the bearing. They also have another one on how to lube it


No, you need a solvent like rubbing alcohol, acetone, or lighter fluid to get the dirt out. Soap and water can also work, but you need to make sure you’re doing it properly.

Yo thanks man, I’ma go test it out right now.

Sometimes tiny bits of metal or string material can accumulate. Or when the yoyo sits a long time the lube can settle in one part of the bearing. At least that is what i have heard.
I could be wrong, but i have had a number of unresponsive yoyos turn responsive, and cleaning the bearing solved it ever time.



@Evan_Nagao help this man or woman or non gender specific person

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I’m a boy lol
And I fixed the problem!
(no need to summon him)

ok kewl