Wait, people are hating on you? Just ignore them. Your yoyo looks great, and it doesn’t look like a copy of any yoyo I know.
Wait, why are people hating on your yoyo?
Please continue your posts on your work. Seems things got out of hand on a couple of random, off the cuff comments that have been removed.
That said, a through bolt and nuts for the axle system should be fine. It’s been done hundreds of times by quite a few designers.
I honestly wouldnt care it you machined your own Chief. Its not like you’re selling them.
I think it’s Chris’s opinion that matters, no offense.
Legally, no one’s opinion matters as long as its not for commercial purposes.
I say keep on going. Your enthusiasm will make sure your designs keep improving. Don’t let others control your creativity.
Your yoyo looks awesome! I’m so very jelly of your friend. Welp, time to put a craigslist ad for a machinist in my area…
What the heck? Remember, man… this forum is populated with people of all levels of reading comprehension, critical thinking, and… ages.
If anyone’s hating on you for it, they are ignorant (I don’t mean that in the cruel sense, just in the literal sense… they don’t understand…). That’s no reason to stop building or to stop posting updates. Those of us who “get it” are keen to see how things go!
Dimensions for a bearing seat and groove response aren’t proprietary anyhow. So many companies use the exact same dimensions for that part of a yoyo.
Oh, and I forgot to mention how awesome this project is. If you have the desire and the means to make yourself a sweet yoyo, don’t let anyone stop you. Man I’m so jealous you’ve got yourself a nice lathe. If I had one, I’d be turning throws all day!
What the heck? Remember, man… this forum is populated with people of all levels of reading comprehension, critical thinking, and… ages.
If anyone’s hating on you for it, they are ignorant (I don’t mean that in the cruel sense, just in the literal sense… they don’t understand…). That’s no reason to stop building or to stop posting updates.
Those of us who “get it” are keen to see how things go!
Dimensions for a bearing seat and groove response aren’t proprietary anyhow. So many companies use the exact same dimensions for that part of a yoyo.
Yup! ^^
just to clarify guys its nothing to do with anything posted in the thread, its the private messages and emails doing nothing but slam me i dont appriciate!
Im open to constructive critism and even people slating me! All i ask is stand by your words and post them up here! you nver know your critism here may allow someone in the futre not make the same mistakes as me!
I will post pics of my Ti axle later as soon as i can find my lump of bronze ill make the rim weights and it should be done
Awesome!!! Can’t wait to see this!
so here is pics of the Ti axle as promised Theres also a hint in the pics of a prototype im making for a member on here
I have found my bronze bar so im on with the rims as we speak time for 10gram of pure rim weight ;D
Looks amazing!
Looks like a yeah 3 without the double v.
Might I ask what a TI Axle really is? I can see the picture, but why is it called that? What’s it meant for?
The Ti axle is the Titanium axle for my yoyo. I didn’t want to thread the yoyo itself, its alots harder to strip Titanium than it is aluminium.
so i got the bronze rings made, once again i changed my mind and did them differant to originally planned.
They bring the throw upto 69 grams now with stacks of rim weight!
Looking sweet! At 69+ grams (with all hardware in) it’ll be one of the heavier throws around, but it’s not without precedent! With that much rim weight, should have stability and spin for days.