My brand new bearings are turning responsive

Did you use acetone, odorless mineral spirits, AND lighter fluid combined? That’s the best combo ever for me I haven’t had to buy lube since I can even remember, OP.

What about 3-in-1 oil?

@Jace It’s unnecessary to use all three. Just acetone, mineral spirits or lighter fluid are fine on their own.

I’ve had various levels of luck with each; I think the best combo was 3-in-1 with the mineral spirits (1 part 3-in-1 to 3 parts mineral spirits). Fairly certain that’s the concoction I have in my dropper!

I am not sure what :worked" means; but if I were you I would still think about getting a new bearing anyway. After all the cleaning and general abuse, I bet that the bearing gets crunchy very soon.