Well, Since I took a class in high school, And Alex, The Awesome yoyojam photo taker, inspired me, I am taking photo’s so far from my phone’s 8 mp camera. The first actually happened on accident…I was obviously eating some Swedish fish, and One fell into my wasabi…So I then fixed it up, an took a few Pics. I will be giving them witty titles…so enjoy!
You’ll get a lot more out of your camera phone if you give it plenty of light to work with. Try different backgrounds. Photos with a distant background really help keep the focus (sorry) on your subject. Try to avoid distracting elements–I’m sure if you asked nicely, Dr. Pepper wouldn’t have minded moving out of your shot.
If you’re on Instagram, check out posts tagged #todaysthrow. I use the same name on there.
Holy crud, I forgot I made this! In all honesty, thanks guys for the advice! I need to get back into it, so the revive is actually a big help. Will post more soon!