Allright, so this kid is only in 6th grade. This kid is so good, and hasn’t even been yoyoing a year yet. I’ve been teaching him stuff off and on, and I’m starting to teach him more now seeing that he has great potential. Check it out, drop a comment, and rate. Thanks guys! :slight_smile:

I just did like 3 of my newish tricks, nothing special from me though. But I directed this video to be Ty’s video, and he’s giving it his all with all his flashy tricks!

James Reed,

oh dear god IVE BEEN PWND!

my argument is invalid

This IS a must watch!


Less than a year?..unbelievable.

I shouldn’t watch videos like this. My ego takes a beating. :wink:


Hahahaha, thanks guys. :slight_smile:

You know, this will probably scare me from making a yoyo video for another year, because I look like an idiot compared to this guy. :o

I swore on that first trick, my jaw was dropped for that whole video!!!

DANGGGGGG! that kid is good :o

wowwww, this kid is super good, he is awsome… :o :wink:

Ah screw trying this kid just took a hit from apolo Ono and them Eli hopped him in the face and killed apolo

I hate watching these kinds of videos… they discourage me so much. But dang that kid is GOOD!!

I don’t know which was filthier, those tricks or that bass. good work guys

These type of videos shouldn’t be posted, as it causes many yoyoers to quit. :wink: ;D

But seriously, he’s good!

Uhhhhhhhh what just happened. Is that even supposed to be possible that kid is isane. It makes me see how totally lame I am :slight_smile:

Its awesome how a 6 year old can be so inspiring. The fact that he can do this with less than a year of experience gives me hope that i can achieve this level if i really put my mind to it.

Awesome video, thanks for sharing!


YOYO Skills:
3 mins ago | Awesome!
Currently | I’ve been n00b-a-fied