Looking to purchase a Mowl Surveillance. What are the differences between the original, the Max, and the HPF? Benefits/downside? Best option? Thank you all in advance
I mean they have different shapes and specs. Max is the widest. There isn’t really a best option bc yoyo is so preference based like what is best for me might not be best for you. That being said if I was going to buy one, it would be the max bc it has a width I like and the others are a bit narrow. I did try the hpfs for 3a and they were good. Moved easy, had good power and stability, good yoyos.
Wider yoyo will be easier to land the yoyo on the string, but also might cause you to hit more string segments on accident maybe.
You can read the product descriptions to get a feeling of the differences between each ideation also
Thank you so much. This was very helpful. I notice the Max was a lot wider. I Tues there’s not a huge difference between the original and the HPF?
Glad that helped and ummm idk that depends on your definition of huge. The shape is pretty different w that steep drop off on the hpf but idk truly like I havnt played a regular one or 1a with the hpfs. In general theres a ton of yoyos with similar shapes and specs and they can feel pretty different but also like idk theyre all yoyos. Mowl yoyos are generally very good also and you could probably be happy with any of the variations.
I really appreciate your help. Thank you
Also the regular surveillance has a 6061 and 7075 version. The 6061 has more mid weight to it for reference.