MOWL New Release and Restock - 4/20! Heterogeneity, Plvs Vltra, and Surveil!


Specializing in smooth feel in play and tenacious spin, the Heterogeneity is the first signature model of mowl ambassador Kenta Kushiro!

Heterogeneity was developed through experimentation with new styles and tricks. For the play style of Kenta, who weaves together delicate and skillful routines paired with tricks and elements no one has adopted before, it was necessary to put an emphasis on stability and power that can withstand long combos.

The Heterogeneity foregoes the compeitive yoyo trends of wider widths and sharp angles while giving you a powerhouse of a yoyo that moves with an agile gentle feel we can’t get enough of!

Releasing Wednesday, 4/20 @ 8PM EDT.


Mowl named this model after the Latin word “Plvs Vltra” which means “Farther beyond” and represents the uncompromising quest for perfection. To reach perfection they took a new direction from the H profile shape of their crowd favorite Surveillance - The Plvs Vltra adopts a unique shape that combines straight angles and gentle curves to give you uncompromising performance and a comfortable feel in the hand.

Kento Edition Releases Wednesday, 4/20 @ 8PM EDT.


The Surveil has a polycarbonate plastic body with stainless steel weight rings. It has the same shape as the Surveillance with a beautiful stepped h-shape profile that gives it a really powerful feel in play. The plastic body gives the Surveil a much lighter overall weight, but the stainless steel rings give you all the power you need for long spin times and extreme stability. It has amazing maneuverability with a smooth fast feel in play that fits any style.

New Colors Release Wednesday, 4/20 @ 8PM EDT.



I’m going to call my next yoyo the floccinaucinihilipilification.

Might as well. That’s where the current naming trend is all going.


Great math rock song by Marmalade Butcher btw



It sounds like a medical term used to describe the sexual orientation of a space worm.


It’s a real word though.


We should give them a break, they’re not English speakers after all. Nearly everyone in Mowl is Japanese.


What’s wrong with the name ? Seems to fit what they were going for

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I quoted myself for one simple reason> ‘exactly where’ in the wording of my post, does it say there was/is something wrong with the name?

……simply assuming something that is not there is pointless and groundless.


I wasn’t even talking to you .

I wasn’t talking to you either.

My wording just made it seem that way.

Hanker suggested ‘we’ give Mowl ‘a break’ on the name because they mainly speak Japanese so that may affect how/why they name stuff.

I wasn’t reacting to your post…

…I posted after’ you.

But I didn’t ‘reply’ to you.

…Hanker was responding directly to my post. By suggesting ‘we’ give ‘em a break, would indicate that ‘he’ felt I was picking on their name choice or something in that vein of reasoning. Dunno…


These look great. Love the names. Keep up the good work Mowl!


You’re right! I dedinitely need to yell at clouds more.


The only reason old men shout at clouds is because that’s where the Boo-birds hover.

They hold their flight pattern until they hear shouting at the clouds.

And then they Magically appear.

They are very dependable. They can make something out of nothing. Or nothing out of something.

They are more dependable than friends, relatives, co-workers or club members.


Because they are compelled. They ‘appear’ to help the World stay on course and keep the people they just don’t like, away from the steering wheel.

No surprise.

Pass the Kleenex Beniboy…

If anyone has been looking for a yellow Surveil, I have one and am 100% willing to trade for a purple. I’ll cover shipping and buy you a latte (by giving you like $10-15).

Where do you buy your lattes? I sure hope they’re good at those prices :smile:

That would be shipping AND a latte! Lol!

Although depending on how bougie you like your latte, they can get up there. I prefer a nice strong drip with some sugar and oat milk. You could pocket the extra couple bucks. I won’t require receipts! :smiley:


Heck yes. A favorite of mine. It goes well with brown sugar too—which is just weird with regular milk or cream IMO.

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