Motion YoYo - update 5/30/2024 - Harmonic Returns

Got to try this in VA states if you like organics you’ll love this, if you hate organics you’ll still love this. It’s magical. Makes a nice sound too :eyes:


Yet i’d say that the design is unmistakably Motion YoYo. Very nice.


Thank you for stopping by and trying our stuff, it was cool meeting you, it’s even cooler to hear you praise our products, can’t thank you enough for the support


I appreciate that, we really try and give our throws a “look” that defines our brand.

Really appreciate your input :slight_smile:


Harmonic Matte color-ways

Matte blue - daydream
Matte yellow - WV Mountaineer
Matte purple - Sight Unseen




That gold and blue!! :heart_eyes:


My jaw literally dropped. :hot_face:


And here are the glossy versions

Heavens gate - gloss blue raw rims
Righteous purple - purple black rims
Wolverine - glossy yellow with glossy blue rims


I got a preorder. I’m hyped to see what the Matte purple looks like in person :call_me_hand:


Motion does it again making the most insanely beautiful yoyo’s on the market!


Daydream and Heaven’s Gate look gorgeous. I never like ALL colorway that are released, regardless of the brand, but Motion YoYo always seems to guarantee at last 1-2 that are absolutely drool-worthy.


I appreciate that you all, we try really hard

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What can be said about motion that hasnt already been said. Fantastic products, that hit waaaay above their price points. @JEA86 is a fantastic person to talk with and someone I consider a true friend that I found right here on the bst may years ago.

Early on I remember seeing concepts and thinking “if these throws perform how they look I better get my wallet ready because they are going to set me back a fortune”. Snap to the current release and I am pleased to say that every single release has far exceeded my expectations, and has cost me less per release than some companies are charging for mono metals these days!

Jeremey and I talked a lot about the “premium” experience of getting a motion yoyo. To this day there is nothing at his price point or under 200 that I think comes remotely close to the quality of product you are going to get from motion. Fit and finish is miles above what is considered the standard these days.

Performance has been fantastic across all models I have. I remember on the first release I was shocked by just how balanced the throw was. I told Jeremy it was the hardest thing to write a review for because it was not the most powerful or most stable or the most anything. However it was just a perfect mix of everything.

Then he goes and makes a traditonal V. Those who know me know that I am about as anti traditional V as they get. Motion had yet to dissappoint so I said I’d give it a whirl, and told Jeremy not to be offended if I told him I didnt like it. Well he never got a DM saying anything like that. The throw was fantastic, a V shape that had some heart and soul, some character to it.

Snap forward to the harmonic, while I know not everyone may be organic lovers, I do feel like if you are on the fence about getting your first motion take the plunge. If histroy has anything to say about what motion is going to send you it is well worth the price of admission.

So to keep this post from sounding too much like I am a fanboy, admittedly I think motion has earned my fanboyism, I will give one thing I am critical over. I don’t love the box, the plastic capsul is neat but I do feel like it doesn’t reflect the premium nature of the product inside.

So to Jeremy and his team thank you all for the fantastic products, I look forward to all the fun things that are on the horizon!

Ps. Dont forget my silly “Circular Motion” idea :wink:


Motion needs an appreciation thread so we can all stop spamming all the love on the manufacturer updates page lol


I’m another hardcore V-shape skeptic who loves the Kinetic, which I bought on the strength of the Accelerated.

@JEA86 deserves a ton of credit.


The love you all show for Motion is such a massive part of what has kept us going. Everyone works so hard at Motion to ensure a quality product is received every single time.

We’re so glad you love these unique and refined designs, and we look forward sharing all the models down the pipeline with you all, well into 2025!

We couldn’t be happier with how everything is going! I KNEW when Jeremy dropped the first picture of perpetual in my inbox, I was all in. The brand after my own heart, and now has become a Motion family.

We are Motion, and we love you all.

Thank you for your continued support :pray:t2::heart:


I have some VERY exciting news to share for those of you who follow this thread - yoyoexpert will be carrying their first Motion YoYo. They will be releasing Harmonic!! We couldn’t be more excited to be a vendor for Yoyoexpert!

Thank you all for the support


A quick overview before it’s official launch


Hello @JEA86, I’ve admired your yo-yos for a while now. Looking forward to the Harmonic coming to YYE. What is the last yo-yo on the right? It looks slimmer than the rest which I love.
Thank you.