Most unique styles

Zach Gormley and Peter Pong

Daniel Ickler.

More unique tricks then most put together.

So humble


I think Guy Wright’s style is pretty unique. Where most players play fast, he is nice and smooth. Zammy’s style is pretty unique too. It’s very innovative. And Ricardo Marechal. He is amazing to watch. I was just blown away by his world’s performance.

Those suicides he catches on his feet are great.

Self representation. No big deal.

Guy Wright
Gary Li
John Chow
Sid Seed
Ryota Torigoe
Jason Lee
Jensen Kimmitt (he’s the only person that really pulls his style off imo)

Nate Sutter

I would agree.

Janos Karancz
Brandon Hodges

Not at all.

I think its good to advertise ones self

Isaac Sams.

markmont anyone? ( i bring him up a lot). After all he’s the “chopsticks king”. No one can do chopsticks like he does, blows my mind. Also Paul Dang i think has a pretty unique style (i like chopsticks). Although Dang doesn’t really have a very good style for comp. Though his style is definitely one of my favorites to watch. Both are very unique and get overlooked a lot i feel.

This guy blows my mind. He is all about awesome picture tricks.

I would also say Drew Tetz, Ed Haponik, and Abe Ziaimehr all have very unique styles

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brian duncan and lucas blackburn! 8)

1a: Jensen. Especially with that long string thing he did around the elbow.
5a: Jon Rob. Swag.

overall: Zammy. That mobieus(sp?)… crazy!

Jason Lee, Sebby and Guy are probably top of my list for truly unique styles. No one can touch those guys.

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Ricardo Fraolini. Laid back to the max as he pulls off his tricks.