Yoyofactory Legend Wing — It unfortunately split in half while doing fixed axle 5A.
Yoyofactory Loop 720 — It gets thrown into the loop (pun intended) mainly for 0A when I want more power. Too responsive for most string tricks, though.
But these will probably change when my RBCs, Wildwood butterfly (and maybe a couple of Gates yoyos) arrive in the next few weeks!
IQ by far, but also Speedaholic XX, Free Solo, and Panorama. To be fair, I just got the ODs, but they’re a constant already in my rotation.
I also throw the Iceberg when I’m outside, and my Amusing, Koi and Grasshopper GTX are a nice distractions from time to time. I’ve picked up a lot of throws this year, but these are the ones that are still getting spin time.
Oh man…I honestly don’t know what I play most. I switch it up every day. I think out of everything I got in 2022 it’s probably the Lathed Back Design Lagrange.
But there’s like 10 throws that would possibly make that list as well.
Is this topic about most played yoyos that came OUT in 2022 or just most played yoyos of the year in general? My most played in general is Top Deck because no matter how distracted or uncoordinated or frustrated I am feeling about work or life, the Top Deck is something I can pick up and nail my combos with absolutely no fuss or babying and almost no thinking at all. Second would be the Thorn.
My MonkeyfingeRs are deff the most played, i grab at least one every day for a session, probably Aotus is my most played model but i love them all.
Then ZGRT Don and el MiJo are always at hand as well.
PV44 by FTY cause i love that thing it feels like a very unique organic experience.
Centrifugal and Perpetual (partly cause I’m in the proto testing team) but i was asked to compare them to other bimetals in my collection and i took that mission to heart so nightly i play one of those and compare to another companies similar shape bimetal. I can’t express enough how much Motion_YoYo out plays any of my “best” bi metal. Name one and I’ll tell you why Motion_YoYo version is better IMO.
And let’s not forget my costum office ProYo which is quickly moving into most played yoyo in my collection.
Probably a toss up between most every other yoyo i own cause i try to play something different daily.
Been playing Perpetual, and centrifugal more than anything but outside of my own brand I always love tossing C3 bi-metals atomic crash is an all time favorite.