MoonageMin's Trick-a-Week 2021 [Finished, check out TaW 2022]

Nice repeater and very smooth.

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Anyone getting anywhere with the repeater hops? I landed the first one once… was just stupid luck. The second isn’t so hard, it just kinda works all by itself and you just need to focus on the catch.


I am not getting anywhere with the repeater hops yet :pleading_face:


Took a while to understand the rejection and cut at once. Also switched from an old school organic to an edge beyond since this is not an easy trick for me. But this helped and I can do it once every now and then. The first one is the harder one the second is ok.


I’m atruggling a lot!!! Hahahah, despite Nagao strings dances beautifully, mine doesnt want to. I’m getting serious instant binds.

Btw, happy forums aniversary!


I too am still working on the first of the two… I haven’t landed the 1st yet so haven’t even tried the 2nd. GL eveyone.


That was great! Very smooth.

Moons excellent repeater. Cool # idea…i use youtube usually to post taw but I’ll add it in.

@Isaac why do i want to mirror a video? I don’t understand. But i think I’ve been accused of being lefty in my videos so i might be doing this by accident. I’ll Google this a bit.

A for this week im moving and the chaos is unreal! I haven’t been able to throw since Thursday! But hopefully once it’s warmer I’ll have some cool back yard videos so it’s all worth it in the end…oh the yard was for the kids sorry. Right…Like the basement yoyo lab im creating ever had a chance of being a kids play room.


Oh moving house Mike?
Good luck with the move, moving is always hectic but it’s usually worth it in the end.


The idea for the # is if we all use it after a while we get a nice database of user videos :slight_smile:


I love a good #.


Happy birthday @ryanmcg !!!


Happy birthday @ryanmcg !!!


Happy Birthday young man.


Happy Birthday, kiddo!


Happy birthday consigliere :star_struck: @ryanmcg

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Happy birthday @ryanmcg !

If you can understand the yotricks tutorial without mirroring it, more power to you! It just wasn’t computing with my head with everything “backwards” and was making it hard to understand for me personally. I know mrmatio posts mirrored versions of his videos for left-handed folk so I thought it might be appreciated here.


Im starting to get some consistency on the first hop. I’ve got the motion down for the most part and can (very sketchily) land like one in 5ish. I keep nudging the slack as I put my hand through and landing on both strings though. Havent even made an effort to learn beyond the hops lol.

Happy birthday!


I kinda liked Evan’s left handed tutorial. It seemed easier for me to follow. If he went right (left to me) I just followed left, right to him. Ha?


Haha, thanks for all the “happy birthdays”. You guys are the best.

That’s great! I assume you’re finding the second hop pretty easy? When I do the second the string flips over my NTH so quick and effortlessly I can basically just ignore it and focus on the undercut to land the yo-yo. That first one is hard though. The string doesn’t flip as quick and the yo-yo is already falling before I have the loop around my wrist. I think I need to hop the yo-yo a bit higher, but so far I keep losing the string on my NTH when I do.

I got out my Betty Galagos (Pink/Rainbow) OG Edge for luck. That’s when I got lucky and landed the first hop. Now I need to figure out how I did it :rofl:


The second hop is definitely a lot easier but still doesn’t “feel” good when I land it if that makes sense.

I just realized this as I type, but I think Im trying to do the first pops undercut too close to the yoyo. That could explain how the slack gets pushed back in the gap after its fully released during the catch…and why Im not set up as well for the second hop.