@CPC dude do you eat butter for breakfast or something, your videos are always so smooth!
Great trick! Looked through your Instagram and saw you wearing a UK shirt. I live in Louisville, KY so it was cool to see lol.
thanks dude! most of my family is from Louisville and i grew up and started throwing in Lexington! I was actually born in Louisville as well lol, we moved lexington when i was 7 for a bit. my parents went to UK and they’re big UK sports fans lol.
Last day of Wrist mounts, let’s see them videos!
TaW #5 : Nagao Hops
I think we are all ready for a bit of a challenge, and challenging this week shall be
Good luck! this is a great looking trick, I’m just not sure if I can get it down though
First pop is fun since you pop into bind direction which could in lead to an unwanted bind.
Anyone know where a good “Trick a month” thread might be?
Woah I just noticed Evan is left handed, cool!
Oooooh that last wrist mount entry was POG.
Great video. Fabulous bind finish.
Very very very very far from doing Nagano Hops. But got the easy bit (first hop) down and I have made my first very own repeater using that element
This is my #thingsthatrepeat
I dig that repeater too! Flows well and seems easy to weave into combos!
Yup if you learnt smoothie in 2020 TaW, then this should be easy for everyone to pick up
Also just made a # for us to use on Instagram.
Tried various things to try and get an unused hashtag.
For your TaW insta posts
if anyone needs to mirror the video to better understand it like i do, you can replace youtube
in the URL w/ mirrorthevideo
That hurt my brain. All the controls are backwards and then my phone auto full screens it. That makes it normal and not backwards anymore.
Nice combo @MoonageMin, it was very clean. You’re getting very good. You should do the next OP yoyos challenge give away. The second one was a lot easier anyway.
Thanks Sean! @Oroboryo
Getting more comfortable I think.
yeah it’s definitely geared towards using on a computer, wonder if there’s a youtube mirroring site that works on phones, maybe not since they’d likely have to download, mirror, then rehost the video.