MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

Ah okay. Sorry I wasn’t complaining at all.
I was actually taking all the advice I received seriously and I spent a day trying to practice going as fast as possible.
But it wasn’t all for nothing I never thought to try and go speed speed and that alone was an awesome fun experience. Tiring yeah but super fun.
Also notice I was using the covenant.
I tried all my yoyos and found that the covenant goes the fastest hence. Lol


I’ve been slacking on getting this recorded, but finally did it tonight (please excuse the mess, we’re running out of room for things lol)
Week 1 - Kamikaze


I like that kamikaze mount entry; it makes the whole trick flow better.


I was all like “YES!”, but then I was more like “no”. Then I got a bit of a yes-ish aftertaste… it went away and now I’m all about that no.

I might drop into this in a few weeks. I burned my ring finger rather severely, so I haven’t really picked up a toss in a while. Add to it, my boss told me I couldn’t toss at work (honestly, I’m amazed it lasted THAT long.) So, it’s been kinda awful the last couple weeks.

Also, I REALLY gotra find a yoyo that I like. The one I (used to) use at work just seems like it doesn’t want me to succeed. I can hardly land trapezes (trapezei?) with it. I dunno.

Anyhow, SUPER encouraging to see this and watch you guys progress. Gives me some hope and goals.


Damn! That was hella smooth! Nice job man!!


Hope your finger heals up quickly! Burns are miserable!


Hand cream I find helps it get better quickly


Dude that was super smooth, this is the level I want to be at too to be satisfied I completed the trick


Is that the Raftel colorway D.Adder? That looks really nice(@twitch77, looks pretty green to me, poke nudge). I srsly might get one cause I really want something more colorful.

I was trying to copy all your elements stylistically, and I mostly got it, but that magic drop, when is that rejecting? Scrubbing on YT I just can’t see it. I typically have to pass the yo-yo closer to my hand to make it reject too, but that was a good distance away.


Mine is the Cool Runnings colorway (yellow, green, black). As for WHEN the rejection is happening for me, it’s after the yoyo travels around, pretty much at the same time I land on the back string


I’m not feeling confident on this trick at all after this week!
I started out so strong on it too! Dang!

It’s been a good week for me…but super busy. And exhausting! I’ve not put nearly as much time into practicing as I was hoping to.

I’ll try to get a video up tonight or tomorrow…if I can even land the trick on camera! haha…and it wont be smooth or look good either. /sigh…when I can land it, it’s very choppy.

It’s all good though…it’s been fun to work on, and I’m quite confidant that someday in the future when I come back to this trick…once I’m more experienced…I will get it down and make it look smooth!

…Also, I’ve got a fun trick picked out for this coming up week! I’ll wait until tomorrow to announce it…I will say it’s a front style trick though and I think it’d look really neat to people watching who aren’t into yoyos!


Smoothness will come in time! I already knew a few of these elements and use them regularly so learning this particular trick was quicker for me.


The point isn’t to show off or even necessarily finish learning the trick, just to keep learning in general. You don’t have to land it start to finish without a mistake. Just keep going when you make a mistake and post your favorite attempt(s).

Also, I hate front style, die. J/k, I avoid front style a bit because it’s bad for my neck, but learning one trick will be good for me. I can’t wait to see what it is.


Hey thanks a lot @ryanmcg

I hope the trick isn’t too strenuous for you. It looks like it should be pretty simple, but it could very well be one of those tricks that looks super easy, but takes awhile to actually get.


nice bro! super excited to see the advanced version of it


Nice one Landis,

it’s all about using opportunities like these to take yourself to new levels.
i think it’s inspiring that people who can already do a trick, is using the chance to continue learning more advance versions.


That’s awesome Mongoose! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

What kinds of fish do you have?


I have a veil tail bata and I use to have 4 neon tetras but they got to stressed out with the bata and ended up dying from stress so know I just got my bata, thought I do want to get some sword tails

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Everyone who’s participating on this, but mainly @twitch77 and @MoonageMin. Are you set on the tricks are you choosing to work each week?

I’d be stoked to see you guys try some of my tutorials. I actually have some tutorials for tricks designed to cater to players transitioning from beginner to intermediate.