Neat! I need to learn this!! Gyros are so cool looking!
I can plastic whip front style…never tried it from the side like this before though!
Neat! I need to learn this!! Gyros are so cool looking!
I can plastic whip front style…never tried it from the side like this before though!
Just spent the last hour learning this , real fun trick! Thanks for post mite just have to join yall
A pointer for anyone have trouble with the suicide catch part on the ryosuke trick , slow down the whip around the loop stays open better I find
Are there any NTH details that i should be are of when being ready to toss the triangle at the end? I got it twice earlier but i can’t seem to get the last few steps at all now.
Pinch with your nth thumb and try to throw the yoyo a little more upwards than around. That will pull the loop out to be intercepted as it follows the yoyo rather than having a mad scramble to try catch it. I can make a quick video if that didn’t make sense. Keep in mind that perfect execution of the trick doesn’t have to be at the same speed as the tutorial.
@Oddb0y thanks…i wasnt sure if he was pinching the string. Also toss up instead of around is good tip . This is my second trick like this, smoothee (week #5?) being my first.
Also assuming i land the toss then i have to just roll out of the bucket into the string closest to me? Are there any twist in the string ( the few times i get the toss i have one or 2 twists).
Thanks again.
Notice how mrmatio is curling his NTH index around the string to do the pinch for the slack – I’ve found that this is key for setting up the dismount, where the NTH index is in the perfect position, after the slack catch.
Maybe watch that part in the video closely, from the first person view at 0.25 speed.
In general, I’ve found that it works better to watch the flowing trick at 0.25 speed instead of the breakdowns in order to catch the subtle stuff in motion.
Lots of fun to learn this trick! I’ve been enjoying this thread
there’s one little different bit at the end. You catch the loop on your throw hand finger and thumb and then spread your hand so it crosses the two strings in the triangle. It pulls back the back string making it easier to roll on to.
@beezy is totally right…NTH iis curleded in towards mrmatio the whole time during the toss and catch, in the toss also i noticed that the twist in the string comes out if you do it right… Thank you.
I think I got it more or less.
I found that if you attach a Spirit Bomb at the end you land in a fake wrist mount that is essentially a trapeze. Very fun trick, 3 versions here:
With Luminose Tower
With Spirit Bomb
Absolutely amazing!
As always!!
Dude you are insane! Even my mother is impressed with this one😉
Hahaha thanks guys! @twitch77 @AKYOYOMIKE
Your chop stick wrist mount doe
Not having the best week as far as yoing goes this week. We all have periods like this though right?
I’m still practicing…I am making my way through this week’s trick (though no where near as smoothly or fast…and I haven’t completed it quite yet).
But I don’t know…I’m just not feeling it this week. My sleep is a wreck (though I’m hopefully starting to get that settled) and I’m just kinda grumpy this week haha. Damn it’s hard to stay motivated and enthusiastic though when you’re dragging all day.
I hope everyone else’s week is faring better!
I’m just in a bit of a slump. Nothing I’m worried about. I think everyone goes through ups and downs when it comes to hobbies like this.
Youre 100% that sometimes we all have an off week. I’ve been pretty busy and have barely thrown this week aside from some fixed axle stuff for a minute here and there
I will say all this practice has opened my eyes to other moves when your just jamming. Toss or no toss the are cool elements.
That’s a lot of knots. I don’t understand though, I’ve been working on the toss too, and not landing it, and I’m not ending up with knots.
What’s the purple bimetal to the right of the Pragma?
In all honestly most those knots where from practicing spirit Bomb, though night… Arbitier.
Ah, cool. How do you like it?