MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

It’s very cool. Fast but more floaty then the banshee or elite. Awesome!


How does the power compare to the Banshee SS and Elite?

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I deff don’t optimize aNY yoyos power… so i think the arbitier is friendlier… easier to handle… banshee sS i always think iis too much for me, i like the mono bandhee but also always comes back with a sting. Elite i think is less power then thr banshees but more then the arbitier…Banshes are probably both more powerful.

Says the man who barely understands the question.


Knot gonna lie! That’s a lot of knots!! lol :stuck_out_tongue:

The trick in this challenge I’ve gotten the most knots with so far is @ChrysaeThrows’s momentum bind…bloody hell lol! >.<’ Attempt after attempt!
It hasn’t been so bad for me personally with spirit bomb and now with this Ryo Combo because I usually end up in a position where the string is wrapped around my throwhand in a way that makes it really easy to just pull my yo through to avoid a knot.

I’m up to the part in Ryo’s Combo where you have to pop the yoyo up and intercept the string underneath it…I’ve gotten super close to hitting that…but have yet to pull it off.

I’m also still close to Spirit Bomb I think. Just got the yo to get through the triangle on the second pop…but it didn’t land on the bottom string! grrr! lol

Also, I’m doing something wrong with the dismount so I need to figure out what before working on it again.


Just saying…
I value your opinions and thoughts…along with a ton of others who are in the intermediate range skillwise. I can’t push yoyos to thier limits or do super fancy stuff yet…so it’s really nice to have opinions like yours because I can better relate with them compared to others that are far beyond my skill level.


Also not too long ago I was trying to describe the differences in power level between my Hummingbird and my AL7 Banshee to @ryanmcg…and in the middle of describing things, I came to the sudden realizations that I still don’t know wtf I’m talking about! lol >.<’


The Spirit Bomb dismount is the same as the normal wrist mount dismount, so it’s easy to practice it.

As for the string intercept bit in Ryo’s combo, it’s easy enough if you hop the yo-yo up as high as possible bringing your hands almost completely together. Make sure the strings stay taught so you don’t lose any.


Seems like you understand just fine :slight_smile: Thanks.


I got it… ONCE! … unable to repeat… very frustrating… can’t keep that triangle open…


Me too. Just last night, I got it twice, mostly by luck, but I wasn’t able to properly dismount it either time :confused:


Nice job guys!

I feel kinda bad because me nor Moons have been active at all this week. lol I feel like I’m letting ya’ll down :(.

I do think my sleep is starting to stabilize (having to force myself into better habits) though so I’m hoping to be more active again next week with this challenge.

I’m not going to hit this week’s trick. /sigh…haven’t put a lot into it this week, and I’ve got some stuff in the 3d world I’m focusing on this weekend.


Not at all man. We all out here grinding but life gets in the way sometimes. I’ve often found that sleep is the key to a lot of things and it’s absolutely worth fighting to keep.


Like Haffie (@Oddb0y) said, life must go on man and everyone here is pretty committed to the challenge life allowing :).
I’ve spend most of the week catching up on work and life after being away for so long and getting over jet lag. Went for a yoyo meet yesterday though and that was cool :slight_smile:


I landed this weeks trick twice i think…
These are the best video attempts…first on video pure luck ! im posting incase anyone is bored and has a pointer on the toss (i think i need practice is all)

Then somehow last night i landed this… toss kills me… how do you stay open?

Im not going to get another video today… i have to say my side style is improving a ton with all these tricks… but my front style feels neglected (hint hint)
:wink:thanks for another great week @twitch77 & @MoonageMin


@AKYOYOMIKE hell yeah man! It’s been so fun watching you progress! lol I don’t mean for this to sound corny…but I’m really proud of you man!

…You’re not going to like me! lol…but it’s going to be another side style this week.
I’m sure we’ll pick some more front style tricks up though before too long for this challenge!


Your finger positioning for the last part of the trick in the second video is a lot cleaner Looking great overall. What I would say is to try throwing the yoyo more upwards than around when you pinch. That will give you more time to catch the loop. I’ll get a clip shortly to show it.


I didn’t film anything for the party couple weeks, but I did learn @ChrysaeThrows’ momentum bind, Iwasawa’s combo, and I landed sprout bomb on a new butterfly xt (almost… it stalled on the last hop).

Lots of fun! Thanks for all the cool tricks to work on!

I meant spirit bomb but the typo is too good.


Would love to learn the sprout bomb soon too :wink:


I can still only throw for short periods of time so this combo could definitely be cleaner. Not for today though. This will probably be my insta clip this week too.


Just let me know when we use the Sprout Bomb for this challenge so I can make sure to be ‘sick’ that week.
/BLECH! :nauseated_face: