MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

I’m making some progress on this trick. I’m no where near smooth or consistent with it…but at least I feel like I’m getting there finally!

I’m working on a progress video right now that I’ll post here in a bit :slight_smile:

I knew before even trying this trick it was going to be a tough one for me! You picked a good one for us @ChrysaeThrows!! :smiley: :smiley:


haha I was just washing some dishes before my practice session.
Had I of known I was soaked I would’ve put on a clean shirt! >.<’

Here’s some of my attempts…I threw another sleeper with a bind at the end of each to show that I was getting actual binds and not knots (I’ve gotten into SO many knots this week working on this trick!!).


And here’s a few of my best attempts from tonight:


Maaan, huge progress!!

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@ChrysaeThrows i think this same trick can be done front style as well correct? I think i got it once. Just wondering.

Anyone have a good beefhook tutorial? I keep hearing about this trick.


I really suck at frontstyle, so I can’t answer, lol. For the beefhook, there are not many tutorials on youtube, this is the one I used

Beefhook is an extremely difficult trick imo. I’m practicing it since months and I’m not even near to land 8t consistently. The theory behind it is simple, but the trick is so hard.


I’m not exactly sure how that happens…
But this trick is all the sudden starting to make sense to me (the Momentum Bind).
I’m starting to hit it more and more now!
I’m not smooth at it, but I feel proud that I can at least hit it (damn @ChrysaeThrows is smooth with the under passes and makes them look amazing!).

I have put quite a bit of effort into learning this one this week though. It’s so damn satisfying when your time and effort pays off!


Still not real consistent with the Momentum Bind…but at least it’s starting to make sense to me! I was just talking to one of my friends here on the yye boards earlier this week how I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to get this trick down this week.
It joins the ever growing list of tricks I’ll continue to work on and smooth out from this Trick-A-Week challenge!
I’m just happy enough I was able to get a few of them on video this week!

Thanks once again @ChrysaeThrows for the awesome trick suggestion and especially for all the time and effort you (and your kitty!) put into all the tutorials and suggestions! You rock man!!

@MoonageMin is still on a family trip, so I’ll be picking the next trick again.
It’s one that I’m sure some of you already know…it’s on a lot of trick ladders and is an older one. It’ll be a big challenge for me like all of these tricks have been…but it seems like an important one for me to learn as it can help me further down the line.



I’m sure some of you already know this one…it’s an oldy.
It’ll be a new one to me though! I haven’t even learned to do a wrist mount & dismount yet! Some of these elements in this trick should really help us out in future tricks!
This looks like it’ll be a big challenge and I’m really looking forward to getting it down!

Wrist Mount:


Also, I hope this one isn’t too much of a disapointment to people.

I’ve got some really cool tricks on my list for this challenge. Some of them look damn near impossible to me at my skill level…yet I’m excited to give them an honest effort…
It’s just that I really want @MoonageMin to be able to work on these tricks with us.

So I’m kinda picking this trick in his absence…He already knows how to do wrist mounts and I’m pretty sure he’s skilled and dedicated enough that he can pick this trick up later on in the future to catch back up with us with relative ease.

lol…I miss having Moon’s enthusiasm and encouragement around :frowning:


It has been a real pleasure and an honor to see you guys working on this trick with me. So, thank you.

And btw I am really excited to learn Spirit Bomb, I use the wrist mount in a lot of tricks but I never leant this one. Can’t wait to start practicing!!!


That’s great to hear! I was really afraid I had chosen a trick everyone else had already known how to do!!


Twitch the is no trick that i can’t use work on… after you mentioned rewind somewhere i looked it up. I am working on that… maaybe i’l rewind into a spirit Bomb. Im very grateful for all the effort u and @MoonageMin are putting into this.


Rewind is really fun :slight_smile:

And yeah…this Trick-A-Week has meant so much to me!
Before starting this I wasn’t confident with my yoing at all! And I was doing the same old tricks day after day…week after week. At the rate I was going it’d take me super long to really make any big progress.
Now with this challenge I’m doing all sorts of cool things with my spinny green things! Some of the stuff I can do now feels beyond my skill level…and that feels great!

I’m so glad others are getting a lot out of this challenge as well!


Spirit Bomb holds a special place in my heart… Back in mid 2015 I decided to heavily get back into yoyoing and push myself to pick up some “harder tricks” as my best at the time was Kwijibo…(I had lost motivation but had several life events that pushed me back into yoyoing). That said, I figured “Let’s tackle Spirit Bomb.” One of the members on here that I had met at BAC 2015 and I had kept in touch since the contest both learning the trick at the same time. We’d send each other SMS videos of our progress as well as I’d sit there and document my progress via my gopro so I can watch what is happening. I had also got tons of help on here by several members and one day I nailed it…probably my most satisfying yoyo moment. I got my first ever successful Spirit Bomb on video too! (My first successful/smooth Spirit Bomb)


That’s awesome Gumball! Having hobbies to sink myself into has helped me through a lot of darker times in my life. Especially hobbies that have cool communities (like yoing!).

Do you still keep in touch with the guy you met at the BAC?

How long did it take you before you were able to get that video you shared?
I’ve only spent about 20 minutes with this trick so far…I can get into the wrist mount easy enough…but I can’t do the first pop up lol…I don’t have enough string! I’ll try a longer string the next time I go at it.


We still keep in contact time to time.

As for my Spirit Bomb trek, it was probably a good month or 2. Several years prior I had familiarized myself with a wrist mount (I think 2011?) but everything else beyond that was a bit of a blur at the time. As for string length, I had tried different lengths as well but it threw me off when I went to do my other normal tricks. Currently I just use my comfortable string length which isn’t short but not very long either.

Biggest pointer is keeping things aligned when you do that first hop as you are hopping into that string above. Also, have to credit @GregP for setting me straight on this trick as well back then. This video helped a tremendous amount.


I actually never learned Spirit Bomb in my life. Tried it way back when i was starting and gave up on it immediately. Never tried it again lol.


Here’s a bunch of video tutorials. I’m listing them all here so that I can bookmark this post and have easy access to them.


I posted this last April when I first got this trick down, a real sense of achievement was felt by me because it is one which took me a long time to get. I can do it much smoother now!