MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

Okay, so the end of day 1…

…And I’m feeling MUCH more confident with Magic Drop. I’ve landed at least 50 of them today (on the back string).

And I’ve now hit Kamikaze twice…except the second one I failed to land it in a trapeze at the very end of the trick lol. But the second time was smoother than the first (though still very bad and choppy).

I’m feeling really confident in this trick for this week!
I’m not going to attempt to film myself yet, I’ll wait till this weekend. Hoping to capture myself pulling the trick off semi-smoothly!

I’d love to hear other’s progress!
Congrats to those that have nailed this trick already!!


I would like to join (even thought I’m not a beginner there are a lot of beginner tricks that I don’t know or just can’t do) if that’s alright


Heck yeah man :smiley:

This week’s trick we’re working on is Kamikaze.


Welcome to the trick a week challenge.

First rule of trick a week challenge is you don’t talk about… LoL just have fun!


This seems like a really fun idea! Got me working on Magic Drop last night… unsuccessfully! Thanks for the nudge :smiley:


Awesome Goma! :smiley:

Magic Drop has been a real pain for me! I think a ton of people struggle with it! I’m glad you’re working on it though! :smiley:


same here I got it down then lost it in a week lol


Welcome @gomanual!
Great to see lots of people benefiting from a little fun thing @twitch77 & I set up for our improvement.
Let’s all get better together!


Struggle is real, progress is slow.

  • Can’t do the bits after magic drop yet
  • after the pop my nth finger has one wrap of string around might need to rewatch how to hook fingers and drop the top string again

haha when you smiled and laughed a little at the end it gave me such a big grin and chuckle!! :smiley:

Nice progress man!!
How consistant are you with the Magic Drops?

Also, I’ve been trying to figure out the same thing…

…And I have a hard time with the ending as well. haha I look just like you where I tilt my body trying to get things all lined up lol.

We’re getting there though man! Woot Woot! It’s just the second day in and a lot of us have made some serious progress on this thing!


Also, today has been a non-stop day for me…and now that I’m finally home and can relax…I don’t have it in me to get up and practice!
I’ll get to it though. Think I’m going to try to take a short ‘power’ nap then grab a yo.

Today will be the 37th day I’ve practiced for at least 30 minutes in a row! :smiley:.


Magic drop, I actually don’t seem to have an issue with the string rejection.
But do have issues with landing on the back string only. Don’t really land on the front one. But I would say roughly 50% success rate between landing on both vs just the rear string.

Magic drop mount I have about 25% success rate still.

Landing only on the rear string after the magic drop mount before the finger curly hooky thing. About 25% too.

I actually have done zero practice past the magic drop yet other than this time on video.


That trick you did for the first six seconds is my jam


The video above is helpful for landing on the back string more consistently

Magic Drop


The extra twist is from curling your finger in palm down. Do it palm inward, so that when you do it it curls to the right. This way there will be no twist


I only got about 30 minutes of practice in yesterday…man it was a busy day!

I’m making some serious progress though! I got through the entire trick 4 or 5 times up through the Magic Drop…but I’m still struggling with getting the very end of the trick down and landing in on a Trapeze.

Still very happy with the progress I’ve made these past couple of days!

I hope everyone has a great day today! :smiley:


hey bro i don’t think i can do this weeks trick i’m super busy until Friday but if i get time Friday i will try to learn it! :smiley:


You guys are inspiring me! I tried Magic Drop and Kamikaze for awhile and ended up dropping it in frustration. Guess it’s time to try it again


You can do it man! Magic Drop isn’t too hard once you start getting the feel for it. It’s easy to screw up though.

There’s a bunch of videos posted here and in another thread, all helpful, except the one with the kid who does it kinda upside down so the rejection happens after the landing; don’t do it that way, it’ll just screw you up.

The hardest part for me was the transition from the end of the Kamikaze mount part when rolling it around your hand straight into the magic drop. I had to pause there until I got really comfortable with magic drop.


Haha yeah that’s the frustrating thing about Magic Drop: it feels like one of those things that just eventually sticks for you but before it does, it just feels incredibly frustrating. Maybe I’ll work on that tonight.

The pop into Kamikaze was also giving me issues. I started getting it but then I stopped working on the trick.

And yeah that roll feels awkward or something when you’re first learning it.