MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

Hey you might want to hide your address :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Friends are welcome.

Otherwise - it’s Texas, you don’t wanna show up somewhere uninvited.:wink:


Week #43: Horizontal

Alright! Time to switch it up a little and get horizontal :wink:

Luckily for us, @brandonvu released a video this month with in-depth explanations about starting horizontal and even links to multiple other good tutorials in his video description!

Let’s do this!
And many thanks to @MoonageMin for helping me a lot to choose a good goal for this week! :smile:

/!\ Important:

  1. Guys, please be careful about your face when learning this. I have enough bad karma already that I don’t need to add somebody’s broken tooth on my conscience!

  2. Be also careful about your throwing space, I just learned the hard way that horizontal reaches way more in front of you than frontstyle or sidestyle, so make sure there is nothing in front of you or to your sides.


A lot of tutorials recommend using a shorter string when learning horizontal.


Good tip is to also wear glasses (polycarbonate lens) or some kind of protective eye wear just in case of a freak accident where the string came off of your finger and the yoyo goes towards you eye.


Nice! Love it man! Super cool style :sunglasses: Definitely inspired me to get some of those hops down! Super killer stuff!


Hey guys,

 Sorry for the late submission of the arm tricks. It took me forever to go through footage today and cut stuff and I still have a whole bunch left to cut so I kinda compiled everything together lol. 

I got some of the arm tricks in there with some different combos on them, some seasick stuff and even some regens. Hope you guys like it :) 

Just saw this week its going to be horizontal! Tbh I am absolutely terrible at horizontal with the exception of being able to do a fingerspin so it should be very interesting to see if I can get it lol. Really excited to spend some time on it though. Definitely something I've been meaning to pay more attention to. Glad I got you all to help push me on these tricks🙏 Look forward to starting on em.

Nice bro! That was sick!!


Holy Crap that was awesome!!! Nicely done good sir!


Nicely done good sir!


Nicely done man. I love that kunckle regen thingy :slight_smile:

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lol did this, this weekend :joy:

this is my first video, go like, comment, subscribe, ring the bell all those good things please and help me get started :heart_eyes:


I just subscribed to your regular channel but will this be ANOTHER channel? A day in the life videos are okay but if they are over 5 minutes long I rarely watch the whole thing or just never click to watch again since they just seem to drag on and on and to me seem self-indulgent. Like “now I’m in the kitchen, let’s go to the backyard. As you can see, the grass needs cutting…” I think the more of these videos you make the better you will get. Short and sweet is best in my opinion but I have a short attention span. Good luck and best wishes with your new endeavor!


Um… this is the same channel.
There is only one channel, it’s just previously I used it as a video storage site (like IMGUR, photobucket kind of thing) so that I can post something to share a link on somewhere else like YYE. But going forward, I want to do regular videos that isn’t aimed at a specific person or a small group of audience like TaW. Not quite sure yet on what. It won’t be a day in my life video every day :joy:.
Anyway if no one watches or tunes in that’s fine too. I just wanted to start up a project as I learn how to edit videos.
Thanks for the critique dude :slightly_smiling_face:


Zontal… well I haven’t really been keeping up with TaW, so I haven’t been learning most of the tricks, but horizontal I definitely will not be able to do. I don’t know what it is, I’ve tried practicing a lot, I just can’t get the mount down. Brandon makes it look so easy just to bind letting it fall and then just doing it like it’s a normal under mount… but I yet to achieve anything in zontal. I will still try to practice it, but don’t think I’m getting anywhere lol.


Why thank you good sir :blush:

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LOVED IT! Keep it up my man! Looking forward to seeing more :grinning:


Thank you buddy :slight_smile:

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Shu also just dropped a good Horizonal How to Vid yesterday.


This is really good! Thanks :blush: