MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

That’s actually a pretty neat idea I haven’t heard or considered.


@100FatYoyoDads Dude that was awesome! Thank you. Great tip. Im glad i left those misses in thre video. I landed a dozen hooks just now… a few times i even hit 2 in a row. I’ll spare everyone my hook video cause i dont want to take away from the picture perfect 1.5 @MarkD just threw! Very nice. I feel like we can use that as a tutorial in slow mo!:slightly_smiling_face:


Turns out this tip is valid for 1.5 hook too!

This and watching your video on repeat helped like crazy.

In the end applying those two advices (thanks a lot @100FatYoyoDads and @MarkD) I managed to land about seven 1.5 hooks in 30minutes today.
Including two in a row sometimes!

This trick can be frustrating to learn because of muscle fatigue meaning less precision and success over time. So in my opinion it’s better to do a small session and then just chill tricks. :grin:


If you do it the way @MarkD demonstrated, you can do it a little slower and muscle fatigue shouldn’t be as much of an issue.

My right shoulder is a mess right now(another one of my many old hockey injuries flaring up), and relearning to do 1.5 hook with that technique has been really helpful… well, as far as doing a 1.5 hook is concerned anyway.


I’m conflicted about this trick.
It doesn’t really fit the style of tricks I like, but on the other hand it’s so damn satisfying to land.

I’m getting more consistent every day!

Although I have to admit I still struggle to land it when trying Mark’s TH index chop. I guess it’s the extra step that’s messing with my brain.

How are you guys doing?


Wow! Good job bro.
I really should get to practicing…I have to be honest im not hooked on hooks. Aftert that first round of success with the regular hook i think im around 40%… i got a Carlson from tmbr on wed and i haven’t really grabbed a metal yoyo except for a few times yesterday. Loving the wood. Not so much the hook. But i think it’s a direct relation to my lack of success.


Nice job man.

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Thanks guys

Hehe… :upside_down_face:
I get you though, probably would have never spent this much effort learning the 1.5 if it wasn’t for this thread (which is what makes TaW awesome!).


Thanks to youse guises tips and videos - I can finally say that I can do 1.5 now :pleading_face::pleading_face:

The rolling dismount is the sketchiest part of the trick for me - if I don’t do it correctly there’s a wrap around the bearing…just gotta practice that dismount more than the actual hook itself I’m afraid :woozy_face:

Thanks guys! Y’all rock!!


That was a @Damb good video.


Holy smokes dude! That was great. You should post more videos. That was nuts! T shirt background classic on top! Love it.

How did you post directly fron Google photos? My Google photo links never work for some reason.


Aww shucks :sob:
I don’t post often cause I either, can’t land any of my combos on camera or don’t have anything that I’m proud of enough to share at the moment
But this thread gives me the agency to share minor accomplishments without feeling overly narcissistic since we’re all engaging

I will say that I’m guilty of coming in-and-out of the TaW shenanigans due to the fact that a lot of tricks simply don’t interest me, there are a lot of basics tricks that I still don’t know/don’t care to learn (for now)
I’d say I’m more focused on getting the tricks I already know smoother rather than learning a bunch of tricks that are choppy due to the fact that I haven’t put in the time to iron em out - quality over quantity for me :crazy_face:

But I will say, there’s no other feeling like learning a new yoyo trick, especially if it’s one that’s been evading you for weeks/months/years

I have a Google Pixel, I usually just tap on “settings” of a video and it gives me the option to share as a direct link - it’s link success rate is very low though, I’m even surprised the video I posted is still viewable


Honestly feel free to post more your video was fantastic.
I’ll try Google again, thanks.


Hi guys,

Sorry I have been a bit buried at work.
I’ll try and catch up on all the comments (there is a lot :sweat_smile:) soon and also catch up on the star and 1.5 soon :grin:.

In the mean time, this is our trick for this week.
Who doesn’t want to be Chuck right?

I know we have been working on some fundamentals for a few weeks now. So something fun to break things up :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

So this weeks trick is this :

Works better if you use a grail apparently :rofl:

Love Moon


damn this is awesome, so flowy


Something to try later…


Ok so honestly ive watched the tutorial a few times and it’s a lot to memorize. I feel like it can be broken up into parts but i keep losing myself… ive also been totally distracted by my FS freestyle, sometimes there are just to many things going on.
Over the last 4 days this is what’s evolved in my FS… Slingy Revolution leads Barbers Mach nPops. I suck at names. But i figured out how to add music :wink:.
Not all elements are from TaW but prior to November last year i couldn’t do any of these.


Damn AK…that was amazing!
Crazy how far you’ve come! :heart:


So last week’s trick ended up being way out of my league…I’m a good while off from being able to pull off such long difficult tricks.

Hopefully this week we can pick a trick most here can actually pull off.
I was struggling to pick a trick that wouldn’t be too easy…but I didn’t want one overly difficult either. I need a break from super difficult tricks after attempting and not coming close to last week’s.

@AKYOYOMIKE had a fantastic suggestion for me! So thank you AK, I think it’s a great trick for this week’s T-A-W!

Announcement coming now…



So here’s a fun looking trick! It’s a repeater which we haven’t done here in this T-A-W for a while and it looks like a trick that shouldn’t be too impossible to get down…while at the same time being challenging enough that when we do get it down, it’s something we can feel proud about!

It’s called Bonkers Repeater: