MoonageMin & Twitch's Trick-a-Week Challenge! (2020)

Oh…shoot! So that’s what I’ve been doing wrong this whole time! lol :stuck_out_tongue:




@AKYOYOMIKE @ChrysaeThrows @Mystik @Oroboryo @French @Oddb0y @AngryGumball @ANGVS @NitroBobby916 @ChrisFrancz

We are now at the 6 month point (half way through) of our Trick a Week Challenge.
Wow time has really flown by huh? Looking back at the past 6 months we have all learnt some great tricks.

I wanted to reach out to some of our regular members with a little thanks for joining us in this journey so far and to share my thoughts looking back from the half way point with some proposed changes to the direction for now.

When I initially started this trick a week, the concept was supposed to be to share what ever trick I was working on or wanted to learn next and to have people join in and out as they please.

We have moved on quite considerably from then and have been doing a lot of advanced or more complex or flashy tricks recently.

Looking back at the list, Kamikaze, Beginner speed combo, Superflow, Spirit Bomb, Barrel Rolls, Reverse Hook, Black Hops, And Whut has been what I can describe as classic fundamental tricks with the rest of the weeks being more of a tangent.

It’s predominantly my fault, wanting to get better fast, wanting to have more flashy skills at my disposal, create more insta worthy videos early on, I have veered off classic fundamentals and have been seeking out things like CLYW Cabin Tuts, or Mr Matio type tricks as evident from the Ryo combos and Deep Magentas etc.

There is nothing wrong with this, but I feel like I have neglected and skipped a lot of the basics and this is somewhat hindering my progress.

I miss the days when I was grinding out Andre and Yotricks tutorials and as a lot of the fundamental for more advance tricks incorporate the basics, I want to take a step back from our hyperspeed rate of upping each weeks tricks becoming more flashy and more advanced as if we are trying to prove something.

That has been one of my motivation for learning Spirit Bomb yesterday and I missed that feeling.

So after this week, which will be our final 5a May week, we will be going back to 1A.
When we return to 1A I want to revisit the core tricks that I skipped and if you already know it fine, it;s your week to work on something independently.
If you learn it really quickly, that’s also fine, it’s your time to experiment.

To stop it from getting stale, we will be sprinkling in the flashy tricks from time to time, but I feel like some of us, mostly myself have skipped a lot of the fundamentals and it’s time for us to go back and master those first.

In the long run I think this will help us out, and I attribute most of my progress on having worked so hard on those basic tricks at the beginning.

TLDR ; after May we will be going through more basic tricks that we skipped, with some flashy tricks sprinkled in every few weeks.

Hope people are happy with these changes I think having a solid foundation will be a great asset and will only help us learn tricks faster in the future and hence winning in the long term.



Thank you to you and @twitch77 for running this. We have all learned and benefited from having this thread to inspire us to learn new tricks. I am happy to say, most recently, I have learned that I struggle a lot with 5A


I’m pretty sure you’re not alone in that :joy:

I like 5a, but I don’t have a lot of time where I can work on it… I’ve woken the kid dropping my yo-yo, and he has a hard enough time napping already.


lol for sure!

Just 1 more week of 5a for this Trick-A-Week though, then we can dive back into 1a again and hopefully things will start picking up again :smiley:

I’ve taken a step back this month from yoing…but I’m really looking forward to jumping back into things here soon!

I’ll be announcing the final trick for 5a May here a bit later.


Fundamentals… flashy… u and twitch have helped my skills tremendously… out of my comfort zone regularly. Good way to learn with a group lead by 2 lunatics. Whatever you choose i think your both doing a great job.
I landed the double kwijibo by the end of last night😉.


5a and kids sleep schedule DO NOT MIX!


That’s a cool little trick isn’t it! Neat way to get into a triple in the middle of a combo too.


Yeah man, I’m really excited to jump back in with some of the basics again!

It’s been fun to work on some of the tougher tricks…but man, I’m not keeping up at all! lol…in ways I feel guilty for not being able to provide more of a challenge for you guys.
But it is what it is. I don’t have the drive and inner determination that a lot of you guys have. It’s been amazing to watch some of you progress as much as you have!
It’s really cool to be part of this journey with so many!

But dang…it’s been really frustrating for me as well…not landing a lot of these tougher tricks during the week.
I’m really looking forward to being able to take a bit of a step back here and refocus on some fundamentals.

A good friend of mine here on the forums (@ryanmcg) recently said:

And that’s so spot on!

Thank you @MoonageMin and everyone who’s been a part of this T-A-W with us…it’s enriched my yoing experience tremendously and I really look forward to continuing on for the next 6 months!


Great job!!


Hi guys,

So to make it easier for us to keep track of people’s skill levels and to take it into consideration when picking next tricks, I made a little spreadsheet.

This is just a guide for me and it doesn’t necessarily mean that I won’t pick tricks you already know but this will give us a good indication.

You don’t need to bother, but if you want more relevant tricks in upcoming weeks, keep this spreadsheet updated with your info for us to check when we go to pick tricks.

  • For ease of viewing add your name to a new column.
  • If you know the trick put 1
  • If you are working on the trick and kind of know it but not quite enough to fully tick it off yet add 0.5
  • If you don’t know it yet leave it black
  • Please note that there are 3 tabs in the spreadsheet, names TaW, YoyoExpert, YoTricks



Also, this might be a good time to share your YoTricks Level-up profile so we know roughly what level you are on.

I’ll kick it off.


@MoonageMin, what did you use to make your avatar? It’s pretty dope.


Filled the spreadsheet out!

I’m at level 42 :slight_smile:


To be honest this is how I got my avatar step by step.

  1. Google image search for “Forum Avartars”
  2. Scroll scroll scroll
  3. Okay this one looks vaguely like me
  4. Right click, save as photo
  5. Use

There are 3 tabs. You only filled the first tab out. Hahahaha. The least important one as well may I add


Darnit! I thought someone made that just for you…


Well now I’m totally owning this hahaha


Well in that case…I googled searched an image that more accurately looks like you. Might want to update your avatar?
