Nice work but…
What’s up with that throw?
It doesn’t look very green!
Nice work but…
What’s up with that throw?
It doesn’t look very green!
It was shot using my ancient cell phone and the white balance was all out of whack.
It was this beauty
I stand corrected.
Should’ve known better…
Overdrive Draupnir? how does it play?
It’s the most powerful throw I own. Powerful, controlled and stable as heck.
It’s the highest performing yo I’ve tried.
I got it for a great price too
sounds awesome! but does it come in pink?
close enough!
I have the Purple one. It’s dope… as kittens.
kittens are so dope, can’t even imagine them in yoyo form.
I usually don’t tell people how fast I landed my first Spirit Bomb anymore… I can see their soul shrivel and die a little bit.
i’ve landed these tricks first day.
Shhh! You’ll kill someone’s soul!
Eff all of you! Just kidding.
same although learning mexican duckpond was ok
You know…every time you guys land one of these tough tricks first day…
A kitten dies of a dope overdose.
Just sayiing.
but isn’t that the point of the whole thing? to land tricks?